Sitting is the New Smoking!!

Sitting TOO long is WORSE than smoking!

Is it True that Sitting is the New Smoking?

*More and more studies have proven that sitting for too long can INCREASE your risk of Cancer and that the more sitting and inactivity is even more dangerous for women. 

Research from the 24 year Cancer Prevention Study, showed how the researchers compared (among other factors) the hours participants reported sitting during their free time to their risk of developing cancer.

What the Study Showed:

The American Cancer Society’s study found that of the 69,260 men and 77,462 women, it was the women who spent six or more hours sitting during their free time who had a 10 percent GREATER risk of developing cancer. 

The 3 cancers that were most observed were-
1. multiple myeloma
2. ovarian cancer
3. invasive breast cancer. 
(It is important to note that no participant had cancer when the study began)

According to the data gathered from the study:

“In women, sitting 6 hours or more a day during their free time was linked to a-
1. 65% GREATER risk for multiple myeloma
2. 43% GREATER risk for ovarian cancer
3. 10% greater risk for invasive breast cancer
4. 10% greater risk for any cancer at all, compared with women who sat less than 3 hours a day during free time.

Why does sitting increase the risk of Cancer so much:
1. Inactivity leaves more sugar in the blood feeding Cancers and creating inflammation.
2. Inactivity creates a higher chance of obesity which increases risk factor for almost ALL Cancers.
3. Sitting creates a lot of pressure on the spinal cord and nerves (the most vital system in the body) which controls every function of your body.

Dr Derek Ferguson