Functional Medicine

"Functional Medicine is a medical practice or treatment that focuses on optimal functioning of the body and its organs. Functional medicine usually involves systems of holistic or alternative medicine."

At Cornerstone Health Centers, our physicians provide functional medicine that will improve your health through treatments like physical medicine, detoxification, nutritional ivs, umbilical cord tissue products, nutritional counseling, corrective exercises and more.

Who should consider functional medicine?

Have you visited your doctor, been treated and still feel sick? Or are you on medication that is only partially helping or has side effects? That’s when you should consider trying functional medicine, says Dr. Hyman.

Patients with a wide variety of conditions can benefit from a functional medicine approach, including:

  • Cardiometabolic conditions – diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease

  • Neurological and psychiatric conditions – depression, attention deficit disorder and migraine headaches

  • Digestive disorders – irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, chronic pancreatitis, acid reflux and diverticulosis

  • Autoimmune diseases – rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and celiac disease

  • Skin disorders – psoriasis, acne and eczema

  • Hormonal problems – thyroid conditions, chronic fatigue and menopause


Cornerstone Health Centers Specialties: 

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • Posture problems and spinal misalignment

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Musculoskeletal stresses and strains

  • Chronic pain conditions

  • Systemic disorders


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