“Don't be afraid of it. You're going to beat it."

This was President Donald Trump's advice to the public if they were worried about catching coronavirus.

He made the comments in a video message posted shortly after being discharged from the hospital, having received treatment since his own diagnosis. Some people were upset about this statement, but I tend to agree with it, let me explain. We have come a long way since the beginning stages of treatment for this virus. When coronavirus first hit, hospitals were commonly treating the virus as a pneumonia type disease, when in actuality it is more characteristic of a FIBROMA type disease. Two drastically different pathologies, with two drastically different treatment protocols, which in turn showed dramatically different outcomes. 

I believe the President's statement of “Don't be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it” is a very optimistic outlook, and I have said from the beginning that the fear of this virus is much worse than the actual virus. Now lets understand that this is still a deadly virus, a deadly virus to the susceptible individuals. And this is where we need to be clear. There are individuals that should stay at home, some that should wear masks, some that should limit their exposure, but not the masses. Remember that over 80% of people will get this virus and never even realize they had it. There are many that will come down with symptoms and many that will need medical intervention. But we have to move on from the storyline that this virus is killing thousands by the day. The death rate has not increased, and yes you are hearing more and more cases but are you asking better questions?

Better questions like:

  1. What is the death rate vs. the contracted rate?

  2. When hospitalized are the patients recovering from the virus?

  3. Are patients still being intubated at the same rate as they were in March, April and May?

  4. Are the elderly still dying by the masses?

 President Trump’s optimism does have some foundation in that medical research into Covid-19 is so much more advanced now than it was at the start of the pandemic.  He would not have been discharged before he was ready. But what sort of treatment did he receive as an in-patient?

According to his doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, he has been treated with a number of different treatments:

  • Monoclonal antibody therapy - made by the company Regeneron

  • Remdesivir - an antiviral drug that was first developed as a treatment for Ebola

  • Dexamethasone - a strong steroid that works by suppressing your immune system.

People were mostly surprised by the use of the antibody therapy, as it is still classified as experimental. Clinical trials are ongoing and the president is one of only a handful of people outside those trials to undergo the treatment under what is known as "compassionate use". 

 It's not surprising that he was allowed the antibody therapy; he is the president of the United States for goodness sake. For President Trump to receive the most vigorous therapies, even if we have not yet reached the point where there is enough evidence to make it available to everyone in the country; it doesn’t sound unrealistic. And let’s realize that the most powerful man in the world needs to be given the best treatment for your protection, your families, your loved ones and everyone in this country. 

 But would these same treatments be offered to regular hospital patients like you and me? Unfortunately not, there is a much bigger picture at play in this game than most know. For example, why not use the cheap widely used pharmaceutical hydroxychloroquine instead of Remdesivir? After all, hydroxychloroquine has been on the market and used as treatment for Lupus as well as arthritis for years safely. The truth is there is no money in it. Hydroxychloroquine for example costs the patient about $10 out of pocket while Remdesivir costs the patient a whopping $3,200 out of pocket for a 5 day course of treatment. 

Dexamethasone is "cheap and available", and most hospitals were given free supplies of Remdesivir from the company, however since they are not FDA approved for the treatment of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) you are most likely not going to receive them to treat it. For physicians in private practice, we live in an amazing world where WE can choose to use off label drugs against the FDA’s approval. Remember, we are HIGHLY trained professionals and have our patients health and best interest at heart, much like the doctors treating the President. I want each and every one of you to realize that I see your health, livelihood and future just as important as that of the President. We have tried to call in scripts for hydroxychloroquine and have been denied the fill order from pharmacists! This is appalling since the pharmacist knows nothing of my patient, never saw them, never examined them, doesn't know their history. However their hands are tied as well; they received orders from the higher ups to not fill those scripts. This is corruption at its finest. I'm saying this to inform the public as to the true nature of what is going on, not what the news is “telling you”. We have to be smarter and ask better questions, and demand more from our elected officials. 

 The exception is the particular antibody treatment that Mr. Trump underwent, which is still not available to the masses. Another therapy - convalescent plasma treatment - may be used instead.  It’s safe to say, for those that contract coronavirus, and those few that actually need hospitalization, there are new therapies being administered each day providing safer, more effective outcomes. This is why you see the contraction rate increasing but the death rate not. 

This is a virus and most everyone, will at some point, get it in their lifetime. Lets not fear it, lets learn to understand it, treat it correctly, appropriately and respectfully; and most importantly, lets not destroy our health in the meantime. The stress of this virus is far worse than the virus itself. What are you doing daily to INCREASE your immune system so that if you do come across it, you have health onboard ready to fight it off? Are you waking up and doing your positive affirmations? Are you exercising? Are you eating healthy? Taking your supplements? Not putting toxicity into your body? 

 Let’s help our immune systems stay strong and healthy so that we aren’t victims of “dis-ease”.  Keep following your health plans, make your adjustments, your iv appointments, schedule your infrared sauna sessions!  The President is no more special than you or I, he just has a more educated team who fights to give him the best. Let me fight for your best!

Yours In Health,

Derek D. Ferguson, PSc.D, D.C.

President & CEO

Ferguson Life Health Centers


T: (973) 210-3838


375 Route 10

Whippany, NJ 07981

1704 John F. Kennedy Blvd.

Jersey City, NJ 07305

Dr Derek Ferguson