January Blues (SAD)

If you’re still getting the house picked up after the holidays and having a hard time getting back into the routine, you’re not alone! It’s not unusual to get the January Blues….

The January Blues is a situational depression and is associated with how we think and feel. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can affect people for a month at a time and doctors believe it is related to how the body responds to sunlight.

The weird post-Christmas period of nothingness that feels like an eternal Sunday is as good a time as any to practice some self-reflection.

That is, after all, why people make resolutions.

If you’re feeling down in January, it may be worth evaluating what could make you happier in your life, as these issues are often brought to the forefront when you’re feeling low.

Are you concerned about Money? Your Health? Your Career? Consider ways to better yourself this coming year.

It’s like a resolution in a way, but it’s more in-depth and abstract than “join a gym” and whatnot.

Some research shows that telling others your goal(s) makes you feel like you've already achieved it. Other studies indicate that sharing progress can help you keep going. Some suggest, confide in one friend or family member, then share achievements with others when you're on the road to success.

Regardless of your method, join me for the online ESSENTIAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION class starting next week on Monday, January 18th! I can‘t wait to share with you everything I’ve been working on for the past several months! There will be videos, tools and tricks showing you how to be more productive, receive the abundance you deserve, and change your life for the better!

I will host a short talk this Tuesday, January 12th to introduce the topics we will be covering in the class, and answer any questions.

If there’s one thing you should remember it’s this: your happiness is up to you. If you commit yourself to being unhappy this month, you will be.

If you do something about the January blues, you can and will get yourself through it positively and happily!

I hope you will share this information with your friends, coworkers and family, so that they too will be able to join our ESSENTIAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION class.

I can’t wait to share with you all this great information and inspirational tools to TRANSFORM your daily routines, and forever change your Life for the Better!

Register for the class at www.FergusonLifeTransformation.com

Please have a blessed week, and know that I care deeply about you and your family!!!!!

Dr Derek Ferguson