What is the difference in Ozone and UBI Therapy?

We’ve been seeing signs pop up around town advertising Ozone Therapy, and many of you are asking if this is the same type of Ozone therapy we offer here at Ferguson Life Health Centers. It is important that you are aware of the different types of Ozone therapies available, and how the UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) therapy we provide here at our clinics is different.

If you struggle with a compromised immune system or are looking for a way to fight off infectious diseases and other medical conditions, you’ve probably heard of ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy uses ozone gas (O3) to disrupt unhealthy processes in the body. Ozone UBI treatment has been studied as a treatment option for those with Allergies, Viral disease, compromised Immune systems, Autoimmune disorders, and heals Infections. I personally use UBI to keep my allergies under control, and have seen many of our patients experience dramatic improvements in many of their health challenges.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few misconceptions about what Ozone therapy is, and what it is not. So let’s clear the air. Read below for what the most popular ozone therapies are….

What are Ozone Bars or Ozone Labs?

One of the Ozone therapies that you’ll see advertised are Ozone Bars, or Ozone Labs. These types of Ozone therapies use an Ozone Steam Sauna or Transdermal Ozone machine.

Stores have popped up with these sauna machines, similar to sun-tanning salons, where a person can drop in with friends and receive a spa-type treatment. But beware, this type of social retail ozone therapy is dangerous!

With this modality, ozone is infused into the skin by laying in a steam sauna unit. The claim is that the body becomes filled with such ozone, detoxifying your body at the cellular level, strengthening the immune system, managing obesity and even fighting cancer, which is not true. Unfortunately, we wish it was that simple, but not much of the ozone can be absorbed into the body through the skin in this manner; but it can be absorbed into your lungs, which is a very bad thing! Ozone in the gaseous form, without a liquid carrier, is toxic to the lungs.

The most common symptom of Ozone toxicity is a feeling of irritation in the eyes, nose and throat. Some people may also experience respiratory or heart symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and wheezing.

This toxic form of ozone therapy using steam saunas is something you should definitely stay away from!

What is UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) Therapy and How does it Work?

The type of Ozone therapy we provide here at Ferguson Life Health Centers is called UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation). UBI is a medical procedure, that requires a doctor, and is the application of ozone and ultraviolet therapy to a patient at the same time. It is one of the most powerful therapies for restoring oxidative metabolism. This combination treatment is a powerful weapon to help combat the fight against many chronic diseases.

Blood is withdrawn, inserted into a sterile IV bag, ozone is then added, bubbled into the blood and mixed briefly. This mixture is then re-infused as it passes through 3 ultraviolet light bulbs to kill all pathogens, viruses and energizes the blood as it passes through the same needle back into the body.

What are the goals of UBI?

  • Increase the oxygen carrying capability

  • Improve the mitochondrial energy deficits in the blood

  • Stimulate the lymphatic detoxification in the blood through the restoration of normal brownian movement 

  • Activate immune system cells and cytokine production to aid in destruction of all types of micro-organisms: bacteria, viruses and fungi

  • Increase intracellular antioxidants agains oxidative stress

Are These Therapies Safe?

A survey done in Germany of close to five MILLION ozone treatments showed an accident rate of only 7 serious incidents, all associated with direct IV injection of the gas (not done in our clinic).

How long has UV Blood irradiation been used?

UBI therapy (ultraviolet blood irradiation) was used extensively in the 30's to 40's before the advent of antibiotics and the vaccine for polio.  It has an extensive safety and efficacy record.

According to the National Institute of Health, ozone therapy has been studied extensively by scientists and medical professionals for over 150 years. 

For a great summary of ozone treatment, read the book "Into the Light" by Dr. William Campbell Douglass. You can order it HERE. Or read an online article at the National Library of Medicine called “The Cure that Time Forgot” which summarizes much of the published experience, HERE.

The effectiveness of medical O3 is well documented:

  • Ozone therapy is used successfully as a natural disinfectant and immune system activator.

  • Doctors have used ozone therapy successfully to treat rheumatism/arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, ischemic heart disease, breathing disorders, cancer, macular degeneration, viral diseases, SARS and AIDS. They also have used it to activate the immune system for better health and vitality.

  • Ozone has been used to treat as many as 114 diseases.

  • In 1896, Nicola Tesla established Tesla Ozone Company and patented the first O3generator in the U.S., Patent #568,177.

  • Ozone was used to disinfect drinking water in the 1900s.

  • From 1914 to 1918, during World War I, doctors applied O3 topically to infected wounds, including gangrene—first because of its antibacterial properties and later after discovering O3 also has anti-inflammatory properties and aids blood flow.

  • In 1936, French physician Dr. P Aubourg wrote the first paper on ozone blood infusion.

  • In 1940, ozone was used to purify swimming pools and to disinfect contaminated spaces.

  • In 2001, Paul Wentworth, Ph.D., a chemistry professor for Scripps Institute, discovered that our immune system produces ozone to disable viruses and other pathogens by punching holes in their outer membranes.

  • In 2020, ozonated blood (major autohemotherapy ozone therapy or MAH) was successful in treating COVID-19 patients in Italy.

What Medical conditions may UBI be recommended?

  • Allergies

  • Viral Infections

  • Immune Boosting

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Venom Poisoning

  • Bacterial Infections

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Poor Oxygen

  • Toxicity

  • Blood Poisoning

  • Poor Circulation

  • Low Blood Counts

  • Emphysema

  • Diabetes Complications

  • Rheumatologic Diseases

  • Arthritis-adjunctive conditions

 I hope this has helped you understand the types of Ozone therapies that are available, and how UBI therapy offered here at Ferguson Life Health Centers is MUCH different.

Please remember the (5) Essentials we talk about at Ferguson Life Health Centers…

  • Mindset

  • Nerve Supply

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise


Dr Derek Ferguson