What do Salami, Tortillas and Mountain Dew all have in common?

A better educated America is a healthier America. Do you feel tired and struggle with health issues? Having lots of toxins in your body could be the cause of your bad mood and health problems. We can do amazing things if we understand which issues are at the root of our nation’s health challenges. Together, we can be unified in the positive healing that can be realized by implementing some (often-times simple) solutions….

So, today in our “Let’s Make America Healthy Again” series, we are exploring one of the most glaring health statistics facing each of us as American’s: TOXINS, how they affect our bodies, which ones cause the most harm, and how to protect ourselves. Read on to learn how to get rid of toxins in your body and feel better immediately (plus a $50 discount on a natural liver flush by mentioning this email ;-)


Toxins are harmful substances that are derived from food, water, cleaning products, and other environmental sources that we are exposed to regularly. An accumulation of toxins may become poisonous in the human body, which may lead to potential damage to vital organs and systems. Considering that these toxins enter our body by ingestion (preservatives, additives, and food contamination), inhalation (pollutants in the air we breathe) and absorption (through skin and eyes), the risk of toxic overload is a common concern. Internally, autointoxication is the process where the toxins are produced by your own body as a result of poor digestion and elimination.

A toxic body may manifest a variety of signs and symptoms:

  1. Skin problems (rashes, acne, etc.)

  2. Food and scent intolerances

  3. Constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues

  4. Frequent colds and viruses

  5. Infertility

  6. Unexplained headaches

  7. Lower back pain

  8. General aches and pains

  9. Fatigue and low energy

  10. Inability to feel rested after sleep

  11. Compromised resistance to infections

  12. Inability to lose weight

  13. Fuzzy thinking

  14. Tumors and Cancer

The body neutralizes or eliminates toxins via the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs. The toxins that the body is unable to eliminate are usually stored in fat tissues and bones. The elimination of waste targeted in many detoxification programs often results in the improvement of weight loss and medical conditions, such as obesity, arthritis, eczema, digestive disorders, and depression.


The US allows nearly 6 times more toxins in our food than Europe. While it may seem like the government is out to protect us from bad-even fatal-food-borne illnesses, which cause some 3,000 deaths a year, they don’t completely have our best interest (or health) in mind.

Some of the top problematic products that are forbidden by governments, outside the U.S., due to their detrimental effects on human health are Olestra (aka Olean) found in fat-free potato chips, Brominated vegetable oil (aka BVO) found in Sports drinks and citrus-flavored sodas, Potassium bromate (aka brominated flour) found in Rolls, wraps, flatbread, bread crumbs, and bagel chips, the list goes on and on…..

The government classifies some additives as “Generally Recognized as Safe” or GRASThey are presumed to be safe in food and are not required to undergo pre-market review and approval. This system makes sense for benign additives such as pepper and basil, but there are enormous loopholes that allow additives of questionable safety to be listed as GRAS. Manufacturers can decide whether these compounds are safe without any oversight by the FDA – and in some cases obtain GRAS status without telling the FDA at all. For more information on GRAS, (read more about it HERE).

The repercussions of consuming these toxins range from thyroid issues, such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer, major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss, which explains why they have been banned in more than 100 countries. Wow, that’s some list…. Let’s work to get them banned in America, also!

Below are some of the food additives that are prohibited or restricted in Europe but have a green light for consumption in the United States.

Nitrates and Nitrites:

Ever wonder how cured meats like salami and ham are able to retain their seemingly fresh pink color after weeks on the store shelf? They may be treated with nitrates or nitrites – chemicals commonly used as coloring agents, preservatives and flavoring. Although they can prolong a food’s shelf life and give it an attractive hue, they come with health concerns.

Nitrites and nitrates are used as preservatives in cured meats such as bacon, sausages, hot dogs and salami. Nitrites, which can form from nitrates, react with naturally occurring components of protein called amines. This reaction can form nitrosamines, which are known cancer-causing compounds. Nitrosamines can form in nitrite or nitrate-treated meat or in the digestive tract.

Studies have linked nitrites to stomach, brain, thyroid and esophagus cancers.

In 2010, scientists at the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared that ingested nitrites and nitrates are probable human carcinogens. On June 10th of this year, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is currently considering listing nitrite in combination with amines or amides as a known carcinogen (See article HERE).

What you can do: 

Look for added nitrites and nitrates on food labels and avoid them. This will not only reduce your exposure to additives associated with cancer but will also lower your intake of cured meats that can be high in unhealthy fat and cholesterol. Use EWG’s Food Scores (link HERE) to find foods without nitrates and nitrites.

Potassium Bromate:

Potassium bromate is used to strengthen bread and cracker dough and help it rise during baking. It is listed as a known carcinogen by the state of California, and the International Cancer Agency classifies it as a possible human carcinogen. It causes tumors at multiple sites in animals, is toxic to the kidneys and can cause DNA damage. Baking converts most potassium bromate to non-carcinogenic potassium bromide, but research has shown that bromate residues are still detectable in finished bread in significant amounts.

Both the United Kingdom and Canada prohibit the use of potassium bromate in food, and it is not allowed in the European Union either. The United States, however, still allows it to be added to flour. For more in-depth article on Bread additives, read HERE.

What you can do:

Potassium Bromate is an unnecessary additive, so read labels, use only organic flour, and avoid products that contain it. Use EWG’s Food Scores (link HERE) to find foods without potassium bromate.

Propyl Paraben:

Propyl paraben is used as a preservative in foods such as tortillas, tortillas, muffins and food dyes. People can be exposed to it either as a direct additive or as result of contamination during food processing and packaging. Tests done on samples found propyl paraben in more than half of packaged foods, including beverages, dairy products, meat and vegetables. In a federal study, 91% of Americans tested had detectable levels of propyl paraben in their urine.

Propyl paraben acts as a weak synthetic estrogen. It can alter the expression of genes, including those in breast cancer cells. Propyl paraben has been reported to accelerate the growth of breast cancer cells, and a recent study by scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health linked propyl paraben to impaired fertility in women.

What you can do:

Check product labels for propyl paraben and avoid it. Tell food companies that hormone-disrupting chemicals should not be allowed in food. Use EWG’s Food Scores (link HERE) to find foods without propyl paraben.

BHA and BHT:

Chances are, if you read labels, you’ve come across the acronym BHA or BHT, or even both on the same label. They are preservatives commonly found in foods. What kinds of food? You name it: cereals, gum, fast food, processed potatoes, drink mixes, shortening, snack foods, and so on. BHA and BHT are preservatives and flavor enhancers that face "severe restrictions in Europe". There's "mixed" evidence on BHT ( which developed lung and liver tumors in animal tests). BHT has also been shown to cause developmental effects and thyroid changes in animals, suggesting that it may be able to disrupt endocrine signaling, but BHA is "reasonably anticipated" to be human carcinogens by the U.S. government. The state of California has listed BHA under their list of chemicals known to cause cancer.

What you can do:

Check product labels for BHA and BHT, and avoid them. Use EWG’s Food Scores (link HERE) to check all cereals, gum, fast food, processed potatoes, drink mixes, shortening, and snack foods to find ones without BHA.

Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO):

BVO adds the citrus flavor to popular sports drinks and soft drinks like Mountain Dew, but it also contains bromine, which can build up in the body and potentially affect your memory, skin, and nerves. While the oil is banned in Europe, an FDA spokesperson said it is considered to be safe for consumption in limited quantities in the United States.

What you should do:

Check product labels for BVO and avoid them. Use EWG’s Food Scores (link HERE) to check all citrus flavored foods and drinks to find ones without BVO.

Red dye no. 40 and yellow food dyes no. 5 and no. 6:

The food dyes, which can be found in candy, cereal, and condiments such as ketchup and mustard are not banned in Europe, but the EU does require the coloring agents to come with a warning label when sold in stores that says the dyes could cause "an adverse effect on activity and attention in children". FDA, on the other hand, does not require a warning label for the food dyes. It does, however, mention on its website that yellow dye no. 5 can cause hives and itching.

What you can do:

Check product labels for dyes, and avoid them. Use EWG’s Food Scores (link HERE) to check all candy, cereal, and condiments such as ketchup and mustard to find ones without added dyes.

Farm animal drugs:

The animal drug ractopamine, which is administered to animals on U.S. farms to fatten cattle, turkeys, and pigs before slaughter, is banned in Europe along with bovine growth hormone, which the U.S. dairy industry uses to increase milk production in animals. FDA says both of the animal drugs are safe to use. The EU, meanwhile, says ractopamine's "risks to human health cannot be ruled out".

What you can do:

Select meat and dairy products that are labeled organic, free-range, hormone and antibiotic free. 

The Bottom Line on Food Additives:

Food additives are often hallmarks of highly processed, unhealthy foods. Avoiding them can help improve your health in many ways, I recommend:

  • Choose fresh foods that have been minimally processed whenever possible. Products with fewer ingredients tend to be less processed and may be healthier choices.

  • Read labels and avoid foods with ingredients linked to health concerns. Use the EWG’s Food Scores database ((link HERE) to find out what food additives are in your favorite products.

  • Have you ever wondered what those little stickers on your fresh produce mean? PLU codes or Price-Look Up codes tell you a lot about exactly what produce is organic, traditionally or conventionally grown, and if it is genetically modified. Make sure you are choosing fresh produce that the 5-digit PLU number begins with the number 9.


Metals exist all around us. Many metals pose no threat to health, but certain heavy metals—ie. ones that are literally heavy, dense, and found in the Earth's crust—have been associated with a range of illnesses in children and adults.

Heavy metal poisoning can happen when you’re exposed to a lot of certain types of metals. It makes you sick and affects the way your body works.

Heavy metals, like arsenic, lead, mercury, and others, are all around us. They’re in the ground we walk on, in the water we drink, and in the products we use every day. But high levels of most heavy metals can cause health problems.

The poisoning can happen if you eat or drink something tainted with heavy metals, or if you breathe in contaminated dust or fumes.

The four main heavy metals that can cause health issues are Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, and Cadmium. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration monitors levels of these "big four" heavy metals in food and drinking water, but some sources inevitably fall through the cracks. (Take the high levels of lead in water at Flint, Michigan, for example.)

Use this LINK to read our March newsletter to learn more about Heavy Metal toxins, as well as the now famous Smoking Tooth VIDEO.

If you feel that you may have heavy metal toxins in your body, we can test for Heavy Metals here at our office. Good news, many insurances cover this testing!


Your skin is the largest organ of your body and since it is semi-permeable, it is able to absorb harmful ingredients such as harsh, toxic chemicals, colors, and fragrances, those ingredients make their way into your body, your blood and lymphatic system.

Ingredients such as parabens, formaldehyde, and carbon black — which are unfortunately found in many of our cosmetic products today — have been linked to some pretty serious health concerns such as cancer, hormonal imbalances (endocrine disruptors), and respiratory issues, just to name a few.

On average, women use 12 personal care products a day, exposing themselves to 168 chemical ingredients.

That’s a lot of ingredients to be applying to our skin every day. And that doesn’t even take into account the other chemicals we’re likely being exposed to throughout the day, such as pesticides, flame retardants, and air fresheners.

Just think about it: your morning routine alone maybe consists of at least six different personal care products — toothpaste, face wash, toner, moisturizer, mascara, foundation, lotion, deodorant, and maybe a spritz of perfume.

Don’t despair! There are a few things you can do to help reduce the number of harmful chemicals you might be exposing yourself to.

Read the labels on the back of your products. What ingredients are being used? If you’re not sure if a product, or chemical, contains harmful ingredients check out EWG, they’ve analyzed thousands of brands and chemicals and categorized them in their Skin Deep Database (check how safe your products are HERE) and your Sunscreen products HERE)

Even Vogue Magazine is doing it’s best to educate Americans on the dangers of toxic beauty products. Read a recent article HERE.

Plus, you can watch the popular video “Toxic Beauty” that is full of facts and personal stories about toxic skin care products. It is available to stream or rent on iTunes, Hulu, YouTube, Starz, AppleTV and Amazon (see link HERE).


One of the most dangerous things about environmental toxins is that even a tiny amount can do a lot of damage.

Typically, the more of a toxic chemical you have in your system, the greater the effect. Unfortunately, research indicates that even a small amount of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can have a major health impact.

This list and the EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning Products (link HERE) can help you focus in on the most common toxins to minimize in your life.

BPA, Short for Bisphenol A, is a chemical used to make several types of plastic. BPA plastic has been widely used for food storage as well as the receipts you get after shopping at a store.

The problem with BPA is that it can mimic the hormone estrogen in your body. Long-term exposure has been linked to different endocrine disorders. It may also increase your risk of developing breast cancer, prostate cancer, PCOS, or type 2 diabetes.

Due to the research, substitutes for BPA are now being used. The problem is that some, like BPF, are demonstrating an equal or greater toxicity level.

Avoid It: Look for BPA-free products, or better yet, avoid plastic altogether as much as possible. Especially avoid plastics that are labeled PC or #7. BPA also hides in the lining of food cans, so be on the lookout.

Dioxins are chemicals that form during many different industrial processes. As endocrine disruptors, they’ve been linked to many health problems, including infertility, developmental problems, immune issues, and cancer.

One of the biggest problems with dioxins is that they are long-lived. Even though emissions have been reduced, they have had years to build up, mainly in the food chain.

Avoid It: You can’t avoid dioxins completely. However, because they accumulate in the food chain, animal products typically have the highest amounts. Eating more plant food can help.

Atrazine is an herbicide most frequently used on cornfields. It’s also one of the most commonly found toxins in drinking water.

Atrazine is known to be a major hormone disrupter. This was first discovered when male frogs exposed to the chemical actually turned into female frogs. Definitely not a chemical you want in your system!

Avoid It: Atrazine is most commonly a water contaminant. Have your drinking water tested for it (and other chemicals). If needed, use a water filter that specifically takes out atrazine.

Phthalates are found in several types of plastic, but they are also a common toxin in cosmetic products. They make cosmetics softer and help them stick longer to your skin. You may not always see them on the label, since they can hide under the broad term “fragrance.”

Phthalates can be very toxic to health. They are known to cause hormone disruption and to trigger testicular cell death.

Exposure can also cause reproductive issues and raise the risk of pregnancy loss.

Avoid It: The best way to avoid phthalates in cosmetics is to look for those actually labeled “phthalate-free.” Stay away from anything that simply has “fragrance” listed because that could be hiding any number of chemicals. Also, avoid using plastic food containers, plastic wrap, and any plastic labeled #3.

Perchlorate is mainly produced as a chemical byproduct of rocket fuel. Even if you haven’t been around any rockets lately, this chemical has become a widespread contaminant in food and drinking water.

The main danger of perchlorates as endocrine disrupters is that they can interfere with thyroid function. They compete with iodine in your body and prevent your thyroid from getting enough of this much-need nutrient.

Avoid It: It’s pretty much impossible to avoid perchlorate in food, but you can have your water tested for it. If it’s found in your water, you can install something like a reverse osmosis water filter. Ensuring that you get a good amount of iodine in your diet can also help negate the effects of perchlorates.

Flame Retardants probably aren’t what you would expect as a source of dangerous chemicals. However, chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are commonly found in fire retardant substances.

PBDEs are very persistent and can imitate thyroid hormones. They’ve been found in the breast milk of woman all over the world with the highest amounts found in North America. These chemicals have even entered the bodies of polar bears!

The most significant effect of PBDEs is lowering IQ, along with other neurotoxic effects.

Avoid It: It’s impossible to avoid PBDEs completely. You can use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to cut down on toxins that may already be present in your home. You can also look for furniture (specifically couches) with no flame retardant materials.

Lead can have a harmful effect on your whole body. It’s also one of the top endocrine disruptors and is especially harmful to children.

Exposure to lead can have a toxic effect on your nervous system and reproductive system. It can cause miscarriage, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and nervous system disorders. Chronic exposure can interfere with stress-related hormones.

Avoid It: Carefully get rid of any old lead paint, especially if it’s crumbling. Lead can also enter drinking water, so get it tested and filtered if necessary.

Arsenic poisoning sounds like something that would happen in a murder mystery. However, it’s a heavy metal that can contaminate water and certain foods.

You likely won’t be exposed to levels that would kill you, but small amounts can cause several types of cancer. Arsenic is also a hormone disrupter and can interfere with your thyroid and glucocorticoid system. Disrupting the glucocorticoid system can cause weight changes, insulin resistant, and a host of other problems.

Avoid It: Water and rice are the two most likely places to find arsenic. Test and filter your water, and rinse rice well before cooking it.

Mercury is another heavy metal and high on the list of endocrine disruptors. Though naturally occurring, it accumulates in the air and ocean, mostly through coal burning.

Mercury is known to bind to a specific hormone that helps regulate ovulation and menstruation. It can also affect your thyroid and adrenals and is an especially dangerous chemical during pregnancy. This is because mercury can accumulate in the fetal brain,  causing neurological issues.

Avoid It: Mercury is most often found in contaminated seafood. Wild-caught salmon are often the best choice. Women may wish to avoid seafood altogether during pregnancy.

Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) can cause some major hormone problems. They are mainly found in any nonstick item: cookware, the inside of popcorn bags, fast food containers, etc. They can also be found in some water- or stain-resistant materials.

One specific PFC known as PFOA can be especially harmful. It’s been linked  to cancer, decreased sperm quality, and thyroid disease. PFOA also never breaks down in the environment.

Avoid It: Stay away from nonstick cookware (and microwave popcorn). Avoid using stain-resistant treatments on furniture and/or carpet.

Organophosphates were originally developed by the Nazis for chemical warfare. They were never used for that purpose but were eventually use to create many different pesticides.

Not surprisingly, these organophosphate pesticides can have many negative effects on human health and act as endocrine disruptors. They can affect brain development and fertility, among other things.

Avoid It: Organophosphate pesticides remain some of the most commonly used in conventional farming. Buy and eat organic whenever possible.

Glycol ethers are a commonly found solvent. They are used most frequently in paints, brake fluid, cleaning products and cosmetics.

Children exposed to glycol ethers are more likely to get asthma and allergies. They are also linked to testicular damage, infertility, and birth defects.

Avoid It: Use natural and non-toxic cleaners and avoid ingredients such as 2-butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxydiglycol (DEGME) like the plague.


Almost 16% of American adults smoke daily. We all know that smoking is bad for us! According to the CDC, Smoking-related illness in the United States costs Americans more than $300 billion each year!

Health care costs for smokers at a given age are as much as 40 percent higher than those for nonsmokers.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of health problems for developing babies, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and birth defects of the mouth and lip. Smoking during and after pregnancy also increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Need I say more? Let’s stop the madness!!!!

Over 25% of Americans reported that they engaged in binge drinking, before COVID. Alcohol is considered a Toxin. Binge drinking can lead to several short-term and long-term effects. A binge drinker is at a higher risk for severe health problems due to a weakened immune system.

Over time, regular binge drinking can increase the risk of certain chronic diseases or other serious long-term problems, including: 

  • weakened immune system

  • liver diseases including cirrhosis and hepatitis

  • cardiovascular problems including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke

  • digestive problems

  • certain cancers including mouth, throat, esophagus, breast, liver and colon

  • mental health problems, including depression and anxiety

  • social problems, such as unemployment and family issues

Sounds like fun, huh? It’s time we stop glamorizing alcohol consumption for the sake of ourselves and our children!


To be honest, there is NO WAY to Make America Healthy Again without protecting ourselves and America’s children from Toxins!

From cancer, obesity, arthritis, low birth-rates, asthma, eczema, digestive disorders and depression, the reasons to eliminate or minimize toxins in our lives keep adding up. Our medical costs keep rising, as we become a sicker, and sicker, America.

The good news, is with product awareness, better food selections, and a few detox sessions each year, we can flush most toxins out of our bodies. 


Detoxification starts in your liver. While it’s a complicated process, your liver essentially does this in two phases. First, it converts toxic substances to highly reactive metabolites and then excretes these toxins. Your kidneys, lungs, and even gut also play a role in detoxification.

Toxins can impact these organs both acutely and cumulatively. More dangerous are the persistent, low-grade toxins such as residue you consume regularly on conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. Reactions aren’t immediate, and so you might not see the connection between chronic low-grade toxicity and struggle with weight loss.

We are seeing more and more of our patients realizing the benefits of a simple natural liver flush. Since you have taken the time to get educated about Toxins today, we are offering a $50 discount on the normal $200 natural liver flush. Just call, mention this email, and schedule through the office to receive your discount.

In order to support your liver health and your body’s natural detoxification processes, make daily detox a priority to help you get (and stay) lean, healthy, full of energy, while reducing your disease risk. Here are several ways to get rid of toxins:

Eat the Right Foods:

Studies show whole foods including cruciferous vegetables, berries, garlic, and spices like turmeric can help your body detoxify through various pathways. Paired with protein and quality fat, these whole foods create an optimal food plan to detoxify and lose weight. Go for organic plant foods and the highest-quality animal foods whenever possible.

Support your Gut:

Gastrointestinal issues will create or exacerbate a faulty detoxification system. Improving your digestive system requires removing obstacles tat create dysbiosis (gut imbalances) and other problems, but also incorporating the right gut-supporting foods and nutrients. Support a healthy gut with naturally produced supplements like those recommended in our office. Talk to your healthcare professionals if you suspect intestinal permeability (leaky gut) or other digestive problems.

Reduce Inflammation:

Toxicity contributes to inflammation, which leads to a heavier toxic load, stalling fat loss in the bargain. An anti-inflammatory diet includes wild-caught seafood, plant foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids including flaxseed and chia seeds, lots of non-starchy vegetables, and spices including turmeric. Work with your chiropractor or other healthcare professionals to incorporate anti-inflammatory nutrients including fish oil, krill oil, resveratrol, and curcumin into your diet.

Supplement your Natural Detoxification:

While your cells constantly detoxify, consider doing a more formal detox as a spring (or fall) full-body cleanse. These plans, which typically last two to three weeks, include all the essentials to help your liver and other organs optimally detoxify, including protein, nutrients, and a detox-minded eating plan. Our Detox System provides all the nutrient support you need to keep your natural cellular and body detoxification in peak, all in one convenient package.

Minimize Exposure:

Prevention is always your first line of both offense and defense. Avoid household cleaners, building materials, plastics, processed foods, and other places toxins linger. A good place to start is with the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which provides a wealth of information including identifying toxins in your life.

Drink plenty of Clean Water:

Hydration keeps your cellular machinery at peak performance, detoxing optimally along with its numerous other functions. Always aim for properly filtered water to avoid added toxins.

Sweat out your Toxins:

Among its benefits, exercise can help your body better excrete toxins and burn fat more effectively. Whether that involves hot yoga or high-intensity interval training, find a consistent workout plan that fits your preference and schedule. For a maximum result, using minimum time, try the Max T3 workout plan, where just 12 minutes can get you a safe, effective full-body workout.

Get good Sleep:

Several years ago, scientists discovered a brain detoxification process called the glymphatic system that occurs when you sleep. Without quality sleep in the right amounts on a consistent basis, your body cannot effectively detoxify. Our supplements aid in the regulation of appetite, food intake, and melatonin production.

Visit a Chiropractor:

Chiropractic adjustments impact the nervous system, which controls all metabolic pathways including detoxification pathways. Getting adjusted will free your body to optimally detoxify and perform at its peak level.


I hope you are enjoying our “Make America Healthy Again” series. We are exploring the most glaring health statistics facing each of us as American’s, and the positive healing that can be realized by implementing some (often times) simple solutions. If you missed our kick-off newsletter read it HERE. So far we have discussed:

  • Food Addiction to Processed Foods (read it HERE)

  • FACT: 75% of America’s diseases are preventable with Exercise (read it HERE)

  • Obesity Rates in America are out of Control - especially our youth! (read it HERE)

From “Preventable chronic diseases accounting for 75% of our nation’s health care spending” to “Obesity rates in children tripling over the last three decades”, it will be impossible to turn these trends around without getting Americans to pay attention to our national health.


We can’t give away our health to any one. Our health is our responsibility, to preserve and protect.

Wellness promotes active awareness and participation in measures that preserve health, both as an individual and in our communities. Maintaining wellness and optimal health is a lifelong, daily personal commitment.

If you, or your family, are having a hard time understanding toxins, or feel you may need to Detox, we can help you personalize the best approach for your health. Make sure to let us know by calling or telling us when you visit the office, and we will get you help.

Our families need to BE healthy, to STAY healthy, if we want to LIVE as long, or longer, than our parents did.

We need to improve the Health of Americans, NOW!

Maintaining wellness and optimal health is a lifelong, daily commitment by each of us, every parent, and every caregiver in our nation.

The best way to maintain health is to preserve it through a healthful lifestyle rather than waiting until sickness or to address health problems.

I hope that this newsletter today has helped you understand the truth about the dangers of TOXICITY in America, and what you can do to help yourself, family and friends. Believe it or not, you don’t have to be a doctor to make a difference. Many times it’s just spreading the word, or setting an example, or even making a phone call to someone that will help make a change in their world.

Dr Derek Ferguson