Are you ready for Spring? Your Spring Health Checklist 🌷💗🌷

Spring is a time of fresh starts and new energy. Just like we spend time spring cleaning our spaces, it is important to do the same with our health.

Today I’d like to keep it short-n-sweet, and give you an easy Spring cleaning check list for your health.

Before we spring to it (sorry, can you tell I’m excited about warm weather and sunshine? LOL), here’s a link to last week’s newsletter on ”Who says chiropractic care is just for grown-ups?, Benefits, the Birth Process and How to suggest chiropractic for someone else’s kids, if you missed it, click Here.

OK, let’s take a look at some helpful SPRING health tips ☀️

Below are some helpful points to consider when doing your Spring health check:

  1. When was the last time you had an appointment with your provider or labs checked? If you haven’t, now is a great time to get scheduled or message your provider for an order to get labs done. If you haven’t had your labs run in the last 12 months, it’s time to review them against your baseline results. Here is the link to schedule if you are a new or existing patient.

  2. Check the expirations on your supplements and medications. It is important to keep up-to-date with your supplements and probiotics because using them past their expiration date may decrease their efficacy. This is also another good reason to check in with your provider to see if you should still be taking the same prescribed regimen.

  3. Are you having any new symptoms? Has a symptom gotten worse over time? It is easy to brush off a symptom in the day-to-day busyness of life, however, it may be a good time to discuss any new or worsening symptoms with your provider.

  4. Reflect on any changes or health goals you have made: is it time to adjust your goal to make it more attainable? Sometimes if we make too broad or lofty goals, it is easy to lose track of achieving them. Spring is a great time to zero in on any changes that can help bring you closer to your goals and set new ones.

  5. Practice gratitude for your current state: whether you are working through the recovery of a particular health issue or learning new healthy habits to prevent disease, be grateful for the attention you have devoted to your health.



"Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”

Spring is truly the season of renewal. After a cold, harsh winter, nothing lifts our spirits like seeing early spring flowers popping up around us or hearing birds chirping when the sun wakes up. As the weather warms and days get longer, our whole perspective shifts.

Make sure to:

  • Get your labs checked

  • Check expiration dates on meds and supplements

  • Discuss any new or worsening symptoms with your Doc

  • Revaluate your health goals

  • Practice gratitude

If you are ready to review your current health status and goals, check your supplements, or are interested in learning more about how Transformational Health can benefit you and your family, please contact me using this link: HERE

Or, you can always give us a call at (973) 210-3838

We want to hear from you! What ideas do you have for a health “spring cleaning”? Do you find this article helpful?

Share your thoughts in the comments on our

Facebook and Instagram!

We bring tools such as these to you, our patients, by using proven cutting-edge therapies to extend the health-span, life-span and years of health for everyone (no matter their age)!

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I hope that today’s newsletter has shed some light on how we can help you with many, many health issues and keep you and your family healthy!

Because, let’s face it, without your health, everything else suffers!

Feel free to share this newsletter with others as conversations come up regarding health issues.

Don’t forget to watch our social posts this week for health treatments that you can share with your family and friends!

Please know that I appreciate you being part of our wellness family, and accepting your true natural in-born health and wellness. I consider you very much a part of my extended family!

Remember, that the Functional Medicine approach we use here in our offices can offer you clear insight as to your health, nutrition, and healing options.

Feel free to come talk to us if you are having doubts or questions about your family’s health. We will give you the honest truth, and the clinical research that supports it.

Remember, the (5) Essentials of Health we talk about at Transformational Health Centers are…

  1. Mindset - if you have a broken mindset you cant even begin the health journey.

  2. Nervous System - if you have subluxation or pressure on the nerves going to any cell, tissue or organ in your body its impossible to have 100% health.

  3. Nutrition - we are what we eat and food is medicine. If you are eating McDonalds there is no way your cells can make healthy new ones out of that damaged food. 

  4. Exercise - movement is life and life is movement. If we are sedentary we are dying slowly.

  5. Detox - simply don’t put anything bad in, on or around your body (easier said than done).

There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ♡ Design your life, Create your reality…

This is life changing!

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Dr Derek Ferguson