Being KIND is now proven to be good for your Health šŸ„°

Have you ever wondered why we help each other when the going gets tough? Why ants work so well together? Or why a dolphin will help save a human stranded in the ocean?

Altruistic behavior is associated with reduced aggression, better physical and mental health, longevity, and improved well-being! And, did you know that across 2 pilot studies and 3 experiments, it also showed pain-relieving effects?

Acting altruistically can be used to improve your life, physically, emotionally and mentally! So, what is ā€œaltruismā€ and how do you practice it? Itā€™s super simple, and youā€™re probably doing it to some extent already šŸ˜

Today, letā€™s delve into a subject very dear to my heart (youā€™ll see why later) and how you can tap into altruism to improve your aggressive reactions to things, better your physical and mental health, increase your longevity, and improve your overall wellbeing!

Before I get started, I hope you enjoyed last weekā€™s newsletter on ā€œHow do I know if I am dealing with an autoimmune challenge, what causes it, and how can I get better?ā€. If you missed it, you can use this link, here.

OK, letā€™s get up to speed on altruism and how it can improve your life in so many wonderful and unexpected waysā€¦.

Altruism involves engaging in selfless acts just for the pleasure of it. An example is giving your jacket and shoes to a homeless person.

Altruism is a personal value that arises from genuine concern for other peopleā€™s well-being.

From everyday gestures, like giving up your seat to give it to someone else, to life changing acts of kindness, like donating a kidney, life presents many examples of altruism.

No matter how small or big the effort, altruistic behavior typically has many benefits. For one, just like gratitude and compassion, people who engage in it, live longer and healthier.

So, what is altruism?

Altruism is the selfless act of helping others without expecting anything in return. It is often considered one of the defining characteristics of what it means to be human.

If youā€™ve heard about the Golden Rule, the concept of karma, or loving thy neighbors, you may already be familiar with the basics of altruism, a pro-social behavior.

Altruism often arises from a personal sense of compassion or duty, and it can be a powerful force for good in the world. It can take many different forms, from volunteering your time to service organizations, to anonymously donating gifts or money to those in need.

Empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another) seems to be the foundation of altruistic behavior, which can be further motivated by positive moral rewards, a sense of satisfaction and happiness, and external factors.

Types of Altruism

Experts have long been fascinated by the motivations of human cooperation, noting four distinct types of altruism:

  • Kin altruism. It happens when you unselfishly support your family members and loved ones or make personal sacrifices on their behalf.

  • Reciprocal altruism. It occurs when you help someone knowing that, at some point, they may help you in the future as well.

  • Cultural group altruism. It involves supporting someone whoā€™s part of a group you are associated with, including ethnic and social groups.

  • Pure altruism. It involves helping someone from a place of empathy, knowing you will see no benefit, often in high stake situations.

Examples of Altruism

Thereā€™s no one exclusive way to practice acts of kindness and empathy toward others - it all counts. Altruistic behavior can come in many forms, and it depends on the type of altruism.

Kin altruism:

  • letting a loved one eat the last piece of cake when you really want it

  • giving your sweater to a partner when itā€™s cold even if you just have a t-shirt on

  • caregiving for a relative with a chronic condition

  • donating blood or a major organ to your sibling

  • taking a second job to pay for your childā€™s education

  • fostering or adopting children

Reciprocal altruism:

  • loaning a friend money, who helped you cover bills

  • helping your classmate with a project, who helped you study

  • holding the elevator for your colleague, who brought you a coffee

  • helping your neighbor lift a heavy package, who helped you fix your car

  • watching your friendā€™s children for an afternoon, who puppy-sat your dog

Cultural group altruism:

  • starting a nonprofit for a cause you care about

  • donating money to an organization that supports people of your background

  • donating items to people in your religious group

  • bringing refreshments to an event at your kidā€™s school

  • picking up trash at your neighborhood park or beach

Pure altruism:

  • giving a person whoā€™s unhoused, spare change and a new pair of shoes

  • holding open the door for a stranger

  • helping an older adult walking with a cane cross the street

  • volunteering at a soup kitchen

  • bringing a lost animal to the shelter

  • adopting an animal from a kill shelter

  • complimenting someoneā€™s outfit

  • donating your clothes to a shelter

  • giving up your seat to give to a pregnant person

  • playing music for older adults in assisted living

  • paying for the person in front of you in the drive-thru

  • offering pro bono professional services

  • delivering food to people with limited mobility

  • letting someone with fewer grocery items go ahead of you

Altruism in Nature

Altruism is a phenomenon documented among human and animal populations alike. 

There may be an evolutionary advantage, particularly for animals in the same family. By helping their own, their relatives may be more likely to pass on altruistic genes to future generations.

Many animals behave in a way that benefits others, sometimes even to their own detriment.

Birds will often warn each other of predators, and mammals will put themselves in danger to protect their young. Animals with complex social structures like bees, ants, and termites protect the other members of their community.

There are even examples of animals helping other species in altruistic ways. Whales and dolphins have been witnessed ā€œadoptingā€ animals in need and showing other species how to escape shallow waters. Like the dog (pictured above) giving a monkey a ride on itā€™s back. Or, check out this video of dolphins saving a diver from a shark that had bitten him (3) times; amazing!

Benefits of Altruistic Acts

For one, altruism may make the world a kinder place. But it turns out, there are other numerous benefits of altruism to your physical and emotional well-being, too.

The rewards that come from helping others can be lasting and felt in many different ways.

Individuals who are emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally compassionate tend to thrive on personal and interpersonal levels. Research supports the fact that altruistic behaviors are associated with greater overall physical health, longevity, happiness, and well-being.

Altruism and pro-social behavior may: 

  • enhance social connections

  • increase your sense of community

  • improve your mood

  • protect against cognitive decline (read more here)

  • provide a sense of purpose

  • reduce a sense of loneliness

  • relieve physical pain (read more here)

Altruism is also associated with post-traumatic growth. Engaging in acts of kindness towards others can be healing for those who have lived through trauma and other mental health conditions.

Ways to foster Altruism

Consider Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of staying in the present moment. When you learn to disengage from distractions, this may open you up to notice the world around you. Right here, right now. 

For example, the homeless person on the street corner, the chipping paint at your place of worship, or the community garden in need of a good watering. All of these could be opportunities to act altruistically.

Try to grow in Empathy

To enhance your empathy for others, you may want to consider:

  • trying to make direct eye contact when someone talks with you

  • attending gatherings with diverse groups of people

  • following people on social media who are different from you

  • listening actively to other peopleā€™s perspectives, especially people you disagree with

  • checking in with neighbors and co-workers

Starting small may Help

Many people can incorporate altruism into their everyday life with small acts of kindness.

For example, you can hold the door open for someone, pick up trash that you see on the ground, or offer to help a friend with a project. By performing small acts of kindness on a daily basis, these can add up to big differences in the world.

Consider a Group Effort

If you feel a little nervous about walking into a new or vulnerable situation, you may find it helpful to reach out to a friend or loved one. 

Try to see if they would be willing to join you for an afternoon at a soup kitchen, assisted living facility, or animal shelter, for example.

Try to find the Right Fit

As you develop a practice of altruism, try to find a good fit to ensure that you donā€™t overextend yourself.

For example, you might find several options for volunteering (such as a pet shelter, community garden, or a shelter for homeless people) and visit each one to see which environment feels best.

Once you commit to an activity that resonates, you can become more invested over time. 

As you give back, itā€™s important to engage good self-care and solid boundaries to ensure that you care for yourself while also giving to others.

The Bottom Line

Altruism involves acting selflessly for the benefit of others. It can have a meaningful impact on those around you.

Altruistic behavior links to a range of benefits, like improved emotional well-being and your physical health.

You may find it helpful to deepen your empathy by connecting with others around you, starting small, and asking loved ones to join you.

Remember what we learned a few weeks ago about building routines into your life? Well, now is a great time to start taking those extra steps to build your health with altruistic acts of kindness.

You can be creative in incorporating altruism into your daily routine with small tasks such as setting aside a few minutes each day to call someone to see how they are doing, taking a walk with a neighbor, picking up the mail or mowing the lawn for an elderly person (you get the idea).

Practice altruism to gain better emotional and physical health; itā€™s easy and feels good too!

Remember, the (5) Essentials we talk about at Ferguson Life Health Centers areā€¦

  • Mindset

  • Nerve Supply

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Minimizing Toxins

There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ā™” Design your life, Create your realityā€¦

This is life changing!

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Dr Derek Ferguson