Best Appetite Suppressant Foods šŸ˜‹

Whether you're trying to snack a little bit less, extend your intermittent fasting hours or just looking for healthier ways to fuel, there are foods that are good for you and will help you feel satisfied much longer.

Iā€™m in favor of foods that naturally suppress appetite instead of over-the-counter medications, which can be harmful. What foods are satisfying and make you feel full, naturally reducing your appetite?

They are foods loaded with healthy nutrients like fiber and protein, and they help fuel your body and fight hunger in a healthy way.

Think beyond rice cakes, to nuts, spices and heart-healthy fats; and donā€™t forget water. Today, weā€™ll take a look at the best foods to suppress your appetite, naturally. šŸ˜‹

Before we get started, many of you were jazzed about last weekā€™s newsletter on ā€œEverything you need to Know about Snackingā€. If you missed it, you can use this link, Here.

During our conversations about snacking, several of you had your own experiences and ways that you have weaned yourselves from snacking, or at least keep from snacking as often. Todayā€™s list will include some of them šŸ„° Did your suggestion(s) make the list?

Ready? Letā€™s take a look at the best foods to naturally keep your hunger from raging out of control šŸ˜‹ šŸ¤©


Just a handful of almonds has many health benefits. They are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. In addition to helping control blood sugar, promoting gut health, and reducing heart disease, almonds are also a natural appetite suppressant that have been shown to increase feelings of fullness in people. 

Researchers found that eating almonds as a snack (in the mid-morning) lowered participants' feelings of overall hunger and desire for high-fat foods. You can read the PubMed details, HERE.

Coffee and Tea

While drinking several cups of coffee or tea can leave you feeling jittery and nervous, a moderate amount can be good for you. It can help boost metabolism and act as an appetite suppressant.

According to research, caffeine consumed 30 mins to 4 hours before a meal causes a reduction in appetite. Coffee's secret? Caffeine, along with antioxidants from the coffee beans.

If you're not a coffee drinker, try tea. Black non-herbal tea can help you stave off hunger due to the caffeine. Catechins in green tea can offer an added bonus; they suppress your appetite and make you feel full.

Just don't cancel out those good effects with unhealthy sugar or cream products!


Ginger has been used for centuries for its amazing health benefits, including its digestive powers. Whether it's in a smoothie or in an Indian dish, ginger works as a stimulant that energizes the body and improves digestion, thereby making you less hungry naturally.


Full of fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, avocados are a great source of nutrients. These healthy fruits lower cholesterol, help with blood sugar, aid in digestion, and strengthen bones. And, when eaten in moderation, they can suppress appetite. 

Comparing the fullness of participants who consumed a meal comprised primarily of carbohydrates versus a meal that included either half or a whole avocado, those who ate avocado reported feeling fuller. The study also tested the hormones associated with fullness in the blood of participants after each meal and found those hormones were elevated after they ate half or a full avocado.

A bit of cautionā€¦. avocados can have a bloating or gassy effect, so ease into trying a small amount to make sure they donā€™t make you uncomfortable before trying a full serving.


Apples of all varieties and types act as appetite suppressants for a number of reasons. First, apples are filled with soluble fiber and pectin, which help you feel full. One large apple with skin contains over 5 grams of fiber.

In addition, apples regulate your glucose and boost your energy level. Apples also require lots of chewing time, which helps slow you down and gives your body more time to realize that you're no longer hungry. Plus, they just taste good!


Eating an egg or two for breakfast can help you feel more full over 24 hours than if you eat a bagel with the same amount of calories. Those who eat eggs ingest fewer calories over the course of a day than bagel-eaters.

The cause: Eggs are filled with highly-digestible protein. One large egg contains 12 grams of protein. Egg protein is especially helpful in reducing calorie intake due to a decrease in appetite.


Feeling hungry? If you're not drinking enough water, it could be thirst instead. Aim for one more glass of water every day and you may notice a huge difference in not just your appetite but your skin and digestion, too.

People who drink two glasses of water before a meal eat between 75 and 90 fewer calories at their meal than those who donā€™t drink water, but it's not about eating less ā€” it's about drinking more!

Dark Chocolate

Yes, chocolate is a natural appetite suppressant.Try slowly savoring a piece or two of dark chocolate (not milk chocolate) with at least 70 percent cocoa the next time you crave it.

A little dark chocolate helps to lower your cravings because the bitter taste signals the body to decrease your appetite. Not to mention that the stearic acid in dark chocolate helps slow digestion to help you feel fuller longer. If dark chocolate is too bitter for you, try having a piece with a cup of black coffee ā€” it'll bring out the sweetness!

Green Leafy Vegetables

If you're looking for a highly nutritious food that will fill you up for hours, you can't beat green leafy vegetables ā€” they're the ultimate natural appetite suppressant. Foods that are high in thylakoids, like spinach, kale, broccoli, and mustard greens, are particularly beneficial in reducing hunger. 

Fibrous greens (eaten raw or gently sautĆ©ed with a little olive oil) are a delicious way to keep hunger at bay. 


High in protein which keeps you fuller for longer, salmon, contains high levels of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, is a superfood youā€™ll want to add to your rotation. Each 3-ounce serving of fresh salmon contains nearly 17 grams of protein. Not a fan of salmon? Tuna and herring have similarly high levels of protein and omega-3s.

Did you know that, high protein diets increase signals in the body that indicate feelings of fullness? Yup, enjoy your protein whether it be fish, eggs, or meats; youā€™ll feel full for a much longer period of time!


Here's a super-easy way to make anything you're eating a natural appetite suppressant: Next time you have a coffee, sprinkle some cinnamon on it. Medicinal properties of cinnamon help lower your blood sugar levels which helps to control your appetite. 

Thereā€™s another benefit, too ā€” cinnamon contains 1.4 grams of fiber per teaspoon, which helps give you that feeling of fullness.

Hot Sauce

When it comes to hot sauce, the hotter you can go the better. Consumption of hot sauce containing hot chili peppers will help you stay fuller for longer. Not only that, the spiciness keeps you from eating too much and will slow you down.

So get some Tabasco (or any hot chili sauce) and sprinkle some heat on your scrambled eggs, meats or soup!


If you want to keep the hunger monster away, eat a small salad before your meal. Eating a salad before a meal will have you less hungry and youā€™ll eat less of a meal than those who did not have a salad as a first course.

Since it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you're full, starting with a small salad before your meal is a perfect way to get a head-start on that hunger signal.


ā€œThereā€™s nothing wrong with being hungry ā€“ it just means that you have a healthy appreciation for the joys of eating.ā€

ā€œA little bit of laughter and a little bit of food can go a long way.ā€

Excessive hunger could be a sign that your body needs more food or nutrients, or that snacking has become a habit. If you find yourself craving a snack or feeling like you are starving before your next meal, it may be helpful to try one or more of the natural appetite suppressant foods we highlighted today.

Hereā€™s the list, short and sweet šŸ„°

  • Almonds

  • Coffee and non-herbal teas

  • Ginger

  • Avocado

  • Apples

  • Eggs

  • Water

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Green Leafy Vegetables

  • Salmon

  • Cinnamon

  • Hot Sauce

  • Salad appetizer

These natural foods can reduce appetite by making you feel more full, slowing how your stomach empties, blocking nutrient absorption, and influencing your appetite hormones.

If you feel hungry often, and these suggestions donā€™t work for you, it may be beneficial to have me assess your diet and lifestyle to determine if there are changes you can make to help you feel more full. You may have a hormone or enzyme imbalance; or you might not be getting enough nutrition from your food.

Donā€™t let your hunger and depleted energy levels affect your attitude and life; make a point to come see me so I can help you!

To make an appointment with me use this link: HERE

Or, you can give me a call at (973) 210-3838

I want to hear from you! What are your thoughts on these natural food appetite suppressants? Did you find this newsletter helpful?

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Dr Derek Ferguson