Dr. Derek's self-improvement story

Is this “THE” year? Are you full of hope and determination to clean up your act?

If you are excited about making changes this year, or you’ve already started, I’d like to offer some expert support 🤩

You see, I wasn’t always living my best life! I was overweight, stressed-out to the max, in terrible physical shape, and out of touch with my spiritual self. I didn’t even recognize how serious my situation was until a massive life-threatening experience made me finally wake up and pay attention! Hopefully you aren’t in a similar situation, and life is handing you more “gentle” lessons along the way (if not, stay with me)….

Today, I’d like to share with you how I crawled out of the hole I had dug for myself, and the tools I used to do it. Hopefully my story will be helpful and you can use some of my solutions to make those changes you’ve always dreamed about - come to reality 🤩

Before we get started, I hope you found last week’s newsletter “Skin-care hacks” helpful. If you missed it, you can use this link, Here.

Oh, and don’t forget 🤩 Tonight is our Joyful Meditation Class at 6pm(no experience necessary). You’ll learn helpful techniques to hold your focus, peace and balance.

Call the front desk to reserve a place: (973) 210-3838.

Okay, let’s dive into the tools I used to make massive changes in my life!


As I laid there on my back, in excruciating mind-bending pain, unable to move, I had a choice to make….. Call it quits, or make a go of it.

Realistically, if it hadn’t been for the love of my sweet 2-year old daughter, I probably would have called it quits!

But here I am, recovered, able to walk, work, and live, still working at things slowly, one step at a time…..

I’m not sure what you are wanting to work on, or change in your life.

I don’t have all the answers.

And, I certainly am not any better, wiser, moral or experienced than you are with your life situation(s)….

My situation was my own, and no one else’s.

So, here’s the million dollar question.

What is the REAL challenge for you?

Take some time, and seriously answer (even jot it down)….


OK, now that you’ve got your Real challenge pinpointed, ask yourself the next question,

And, what ELSE is the REAL challenge for you?

I’m not being funny here, answer again, what ELSE is the challenge?

Seriously answer, jot it down….


You’ll notice that each answer is different…. interesting, huh?

Now, after thinking about these two challenges, answer this….

What do you WANT?

jot it down…..


Being aware of what you WANT is the foundation of Action. It’s the WHY people talk about as their motivation.

Finding my WHY (living to be there for my daughter) and pinpointing what I WANTED, was how I consciously made the decision to LIVE and not give up.

I’m not sure what your challenges are, or what you WANT in life; but until you seriously ask yourself these questions, you’ll be in the same situation until you do.

Have you ever heard of Tim Urban?

He did a great Ted Talk (Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator) several years back that spoke to me louder than most. It was hilarious, but it hit me over the head, a bullseye, in less than 10 minutes! He talked about how we are ALL procrastinators. You can access it, HERE.

From Tim’s funny and insightful description of the panic monster, dark playground and instant gratification monkey, to being a master procrastinator, he makes absolute sense…. We are ALL procrastinators, every one of us!

No matter what your challenges are, (be it health, life, work, relationships, habits) we suffer quietly and privately in our dark spaces until we decide we WANT something different.

Tim explains that there are two kinds of procrastination, those with a deadline and those without a deadline. It’s the NO deadline situations that wind up biting us in the ass. For many of us, we procrastinate until we are forced to make a move or different life choice.

It’s up to you, it always has been…..

Do you want to suffer through more darkness, or are you ready to DO something different?

Yup, that was me…… I was put in a precarious situation and FORCED to make changes, or give up and call it quits. But, the promise of being there for my daughter made me take the ACTION of becoming mentally strong enough to endure the pain of moving my body. I became spiritually awake, meditated and prayed a lot. My lifestyle changed drastically and I slowly mended my broken body to be here with you today.

Do yourself a favor, and listen to Tim’s talk. Then, take a moment and check out one of his best blogs, “Your Life in Weeks”, HERE.

Tim shows us some awesome examples of life’s calendar and how we all fit in the timeline just about the same way….


“Just take any step, whether small or large. And then another and repeat day after day. It may take months, maybe years, but the path to success will become clear.”

“Build on failure. Use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. Don't try to forget the mistakes, but don't dwell on them. Don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” -Johnny Cash

It’s not necessary to suffer quietly and privately, and have long-term unhappiness and regrets. Be open and curious. There’s plenty of inspirational material online, books to read, and podcasts to listen to.

You’ll find your own path.

If your challenges are health related and you WANT to make changes, I’m here as your Functional Doctor, to help guide you, one step at a time.

You are the CEO of your own health, I’m merely here to help you navigate the science and celebrate your progress.

You’ve got this, my friend!

Make an appointment and come talk with us if you are having doubts or questions about your family’s health. We will give you the honest truth, and the clinical research that supports it.

To make an appointment with me use this link: HERE.

Or, you can always give me a call at (973) 210-3838

I want to hear from you! Are you experiencing procrastination in your life? Did you find this newsletter helpful?

Share your thoughts in the comments on our

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We bring tools such as these to you, our patients, by using proven cutting-edge therapies to extend the health-span, life-span and years of health for everyone (no matter their age)!

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Dr Derek Ferguson