Exciting new Peptide to brown your skin in Summer!

It’s finally Memorial Day, summer is in full swing, the pools are open, and it’s time to enjoy more time outdoors in the sun.

As many of you know, I am VERY fair skinned. You say the word S-U-N and my skin automatically turns red. I’m a true white boy, LOL!

Well, my skin coloration runs in the family! My Dad has had Stage 3 melanoma on his scalp and ears, needing multiple surgeries. Much of his skin damage was done way back while he was a kid, lifeguarding at the community pool… Believe it or not, there wasn’t much research on the perils of skin damage back then; and things like sun screen didn’t even exist.

Well, this year I had my first encounter with the not-so-friendly skin doctor. After my nose almost being cut off trying to get all the pre-cancerous growth out, plus plastic surgery, I’m almost back to looking normal again.

Today, I’d like to review important summer skin protection, plus a new peptide that is showing promising results for folks with fair skin.

Before, we jump into the deep end, I’m hoping you enjoyed last week’s newsletter on the best edible plants to grow (even if you’ve never been able to grow anything before)! If you missed it, you can use this link, here.

Today being Memorial Day, I’d also like us to honor all the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting others and defending our country. Let’s remember those who courageously gave their lives; and use today to count our blessings and stand proud as Americans!

I suggest very strongly that you read today’s blog for protecting your skin’s health. Even if you just need a reminder, you may also learn something new about peptides and how they can work with and enhance our skin pigment. Ready? Let’s dive in!

All about Sunburns

Sunburns are more dangerous than many people realize and can have drastic consequences.

The statistics are frightening: Suffering one or more blistering sunburns during childhood more than doubles your chances of developing potentially-deadly melanoma later in life. Recent research shows that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70.

In addition to cancerous growths, sun damage can cause aesthetic damages as well. Research has repeatedly shown that up to 90% of sagging, wrinkling, and dark spots is a result of how much sun exposure you’ve sustained. One study in particular found that UV exposure is responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs.

What really happens when your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays? A sunburn is your skin’s response to the sun’s UV radiation—when your skin is sunburned, it’s an indication that severe damage has been done. Let’s take a look at exactly what happens to your skin when it gets burned.

What are the Symptoms of a Severe Sunburn?

A severe sunburn causes a host of symptoms, which are indicative of your body’s efforts to repair the damage caused by the burn. Common sunburn symptoms and signs include:

  • Blisters

  • Red, warm skin at the site of the burn

  • Itching

After exposure to UV radiation, your skin may turn red in as little as 30 minutes; the burn will continue to develop for 24 to 72 hours following, and it’s during this time that pain is typically most severe.

Sunburned skin is hot to the touch, may itch, and certainly painful. The immediate effects of a sunburn are unpleasant to say the least, but sunburned skin is more likely to incur skin damage; excessive sun exposure can also increase the risk of skin cancer.

What Sunscreens are best?

Any conversation on sunscreen must start with acknowledging that there is robust evidence that it prevents skin cancer. Yet, all sunscreens are NOT created equal; some sunscreens could be damaging to our health.

Melanoma is one of the deadliest cancers that occurs when pigment-producing cells—known as melanocytes—mutate and become cancerous. Some of our patients, including my Dad, have been diagnosed with Melanoma. And believe me, it’s not something to fool around with! To learn more about Melanoma, click HERE.

Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed 14 of the 16 chemicals found in sunscreens from its GRASE (generally accepted as safe and effective) category.

The first thing I’d like you to do, is to go get all of your sunscreen products, and see if they appear on THIS LIST of Healthy Sunscreen products.

How do I prevent Sunburn?

The confidence sunscreen gives us could be one reason why skin cancer rates are rising, particularly among older generations. Sunscreen emboldens us to spend longer in the Sun than we would otherwise.

Talking to patients, it seems people tend to not reapply sunscreen regularly when outdoors, which we need to do. The chemicals act as a sink for UV energy, and they’re not inexhaustible.

The BEST way to prevent a sunburn is to limit your sun exposure. The following methods can help keep your skin safe from UV rays:

Steer clear of midday sun

The sun is its strongest during the hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Try to stay indoors as much as possible and stick to shady areas if you must be outside.

Wear protective clothing 

Keep your skin safe from the sun’s damaging rays with protective clothing, including wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and clothing made from sun protective fabric.

Apply (and reapply) sunscreen 

Always wear broad spectrum sunscreen, whatever the weather outside. Simple rule of thumb: Don’t leave the house until you’ve applied appropriate SPF. Broad spectrum solutions are FDA-approved to protect against both UVA and UVB rays, offering you the best available protection. 

Are you tired of being the whitest person on Earth?

One look at me, and you can guess that this is a feeling that I have lived with my whole life! Until recently, I have always been teased about my “super” white skin. But after much research, I am now using a tanning peptide product, called Melanotan; and I’d like to share my results with you.

Melanotan is a synthetic hormone which is injected via a tiny needle under the skin to stimulate the pigment cells in your body to produce more melanin, which in turn gives you a tan.

There are two forms of melanin injections available, Melanotan I and II, which are diluted in water before being injected. Melanotan II as a tanning injection gives much quicker, longer lasting results. Within 6 days you will begin to see your skin warming up to a natural-looking sun-kissed glow.

Melanotan II does not work without some form of UV exposure, so you need to be getting a minimum of 20 minutes of natural sunlight a day to help activate the melanotan injections.

IMPORTANT NOTE!!!! Before you rush out and order online, I STRONGLY recommend that any form of Melanotan MUST be used under the supervision of a doctor! There have been some cases of adverse reactions with inappropriate usage and dosages, such as acne, raised blood pressure, heart issues, to name a few. I am educated in the proper dosages, the correct formula, and any adverse reactions that may occur; so please contact me if you want to consider using Melanotan!

The biggest worry with these injectibles is that stimulating melanin production and cells can also stimulate dangerous changes in the skin. There have been case reports from users of Melanotan of moles which have rapidly changed and become darker. Short-term side effects can also include facial swelling, nausea, flushing, vomiting and appetite loss.

Also, bizarrely, Melanotan can be associated with spontaneous erections in males. This may sound alluring if you are older and/or experiencing ED; but this is NOT a good thing at all, and can become a serious issue very quickly!

Melanotan should only be used for a short period of time, and only in small amounts. If you would like to see if Melanotan is safe for you to use, and would like to try a prescription; contact me beforehand.

ANOTHER WARNING: Melanotan is NOT a sun-blocking agent. You will still get sun-burned and MUST use sunscreen!!!!

The Bottom Line

Until there is definitive research on the potential effects of UV filters absorbed into our bodies, or alternatives that don’t contain ingredients associated with health risks, the consensus among experts is that we need to shield ourselves whenever we’re exposed to the Sun.

The healthiest way to do so – for both ourselves and for wildlife – is with clothing, finding shade and avoiding midday Sun. But for times that isn’t possible, we should both wear sunscreen and must apply it properly.

SPF values on product labels continue to be problematic, with a continuous stream of new reports showing that independent testing finds actual SPF values are significantly lower than what is on the label. While not a new concern, consumers should be wary of SPF value claims, especially SPF numbers over 50+, and should not use sunscreen to prolong their time in the sun.

Just about three quarters of the more than 1,800 products evaluated did not provide adequate sun protection or included ingredients linked to harm.

As for which sunscreens are the safest, you can check out the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website and download the EWG’s Guide to Sunscreen, HERE. There are several categories such as best sunscreens for children, etc. Here you will find a list of brands that contain safer ingredients, making it easy to choose a product that is the best fit for you.

If you plan to spend time in the sun this summer, make sure the sunscreen you apply is benzene-free and double-check the expiration date to make sure it has not expired, or older than 3-years old.  Better yet, engage in a combination of sun protection methods: hat, umbrella, plenty of breaks, and time in the shade, along with benzene-free sunscreen.

I hope this has helped you understand sunburns, sunscreens and the potential of the peptide Melanotan to give your skin more of a tan coloration in more detail. And, please remember the (5) Essentials we talk about at Ferguson Life Health Centers…

  • Mindset

  • Nerve Supply

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise


There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ♡ design your life, create your reality…

This is life changing!

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Dr Derek Ferguson