I've got a personal question.... Are you satisfied?

I have a personal question this morning…

Are you satisfied?

No matter who we are, where we come from, or how we’ve lived…

We all have three things in common:

A Beginning. A Middle. And an End.

It’s called life – and it’s also a story. Some of us have empowering stories that transform and guide us. Others have victim stories.

No matter what stories we have though, we’ve all been hurt. We’ve been hurt by those we love, those who anger or attack us, and even by strangers.

None of us get through life unscathed.

And unfortunately, most of us hold these experiences within us and allow them (subconsciously) to inform future reactions, beliefs, fears and limits to what we seek to achieve (or feel we can achieve).

We let them hold us back from experiencing all that life has to offer. 

Now is the time to choose a new story.

Do you want to feel amazing about being alive today? Well then, I’ve got a fantastic video for you to watch that will inspire you. Even after ten years, this is still one, if not THE best TED self-motivation talk in my opinion. Since presenting this TED talk, Mel Robbins has gone on to become quite the success story herself. I love her approach! Click HERE to listen to her inspiring video.

Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. She is widely respected for her grab-'em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, and has a special way of drilling through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want. Her approach is smart, effective and entertaining. Mel writes for Success Magazine, is a former CNBC contributor, and is the author of several books, “Stop Saying You're Fine”, “The 5 Second Rule” and “The High 5 Habit”.

So, I’m hoping you are thinking……what does this video have to do with my health, Doc? You name it… EVERYTHING! If you have perfect health, then you can stop reading now; but if you’re like most of us that need some improvement in our health, keep reading (with an open mind).

As Mel says, “When you feel stuck or dissatisfied in your life, it's a signal. And, it's not a signal that your life is broken. It's a signal that one of your most basic needs are not being met. Your need for exploration.”

I completely relate to how Mel refers to long periods in our comfort zone as "stuck" and stepping out of as "forcing". Facing fear is never easy, but it is the route to "the magic"!

I think the part that hit me the most in her talk was the autopilot vs. emergency break. As soon as she explained it, my brain immediately jumped to a dozen different occasions where I've reflected on my own decisions and came to the exact same conclusion:

  • If I just do it, it happens,

  • but if I waver for even a short period of time (5 seconds),

  • I'm almost guaranteed not to try whatever it is.

"When you listen to how you feel about what you want, you will not get it, because you will never feel like it." That's honestly super helpful…

If we want to be healthy, then we need to “do-the-do”, and do what we know to be good for us. We all know the routine…Mind our Mindset, Eat well, Exercise smartly, handle our Stress, stay Hydrated, and get our Sleep. Simple!

As Mel said, "I don't care how you feel. I care about what you want. And if you listen to how you feel when it comes to what you want, you will not get it. Because you will never feel like it."

My cliff notes from Mel’s short video:

1. You're never going to feel like changing. Stop waiting for a perfect time.

2. You're never going to feel like it.

3. You are not “fine”, how are you really?

4. Waking up earlier is a representation of the physical force required to change.

5. You have to do what you don't want to do, so you can be everything you're supposed to be.


In a nutshell: Action leads to motivation — not the other way around.

That’s it, you tell yourself. This time I’m doing it. For real!

In chemistry, you need a big burst of initial energy to start a chemical reaction. This explosion of energy is called activation energy. What does this have to do with your personal health goals? Everything.

New habits and a new mindset will require a personal explosion. You’ll never feel like it; you’ll never be ready; there is no right time. Suck it up, give yourself a push and get started. Once you’ve started, it’s easy to flame out—unless you know the science-backed tricks for maintaining momentum.

#1 - Do something tiny every day

When you set the bar low, it’s easier to stick to your goals. If you’ve just started trying to get back in shape, for example, forget the long workout. Instead do five minutes on the treadmill and five pushups a day. You can transform your health by simply walking for 10 minutes every day. I might not have an hour, but you can always find 10 minutes. When you start with something easy, you’ll see yourself win and you’ll keep going.

#2 - Progress must be celebrated.

Making progress in small ways doesn’t always feel like it’s making a big difference. But, recognizing your small progress every day is the key to productivity and happiness. To make the effect even greater, reward yourself - but only in ways that actually further your goals. Topping off a 5-mile run with a bowl of ice cream is different than rewarding yourself with a deep-tissue massage.

#3 - Focus on the smaller number.

You can measure progress by how much you’ve done or how much you still have left to do. You’ll be way more motivated if you focus on the smaller of two numbers. For example, focus on the 3 pounds you’ve already lost, not the 17 more to go. Each new action feels even more impactful when compared to a smaller number.

#4 - Keep a “did it” list.

My daughter’s school uses a program called “Track My Progress” for measuring task completion rates, and every day she can see how she’s improving. It works like magic to keep her engaged. This week, try keeping your own “did it” list. It’s the opposite of a to-do list. Fill it with every single small task you complete. Keep it in a visible place. Research proves that seeing your progress and how much you have completed will inspire you to keep pushing.

Remember, it’s all science. You need a big explosion to start a change, but it’s the tiny moves forward that will make a lasting difference.

A Take-Home Message

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” Tony Robbins

(BTW, he’s not related to Mel Robbins, LOL)

So, how do we build consistent Healthy Lifestyle Habits?

Knowledge is power.

I do truly believe that but we need more than just knowledge to get results and build consistent healthy lifestyle habits.

Action is where the magic happens. What are the missing pieces to really help people take action, keep consistent health habits and get the results they want?

It’s not what you do once in a while that matters, but the little things you do everyday.

Remember, you have to do what you don't want to do, so you can be everything you're supposed to be.

If, after spending some time and reflecting on what kind of lifestyle changes sounds good for you, and you are still lost and don’t know where to start; make an appointment with our office, and we can help you make a plan.

THE most important thing in life, is how you feel about YOURSELF!!!!

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Dr Derek Ferguson