What to expect at the Farmer's Market

Okay, I couldn’t resist all the yummy things at the Farmers Market this weekend; and it was TOMATO weekend!!!!

Tomatoes are one of my most favorite fresh-out-of-the-field things to eat, and I went crazy at this weekend’s Farmer’s Market, LOL ;-)

Some of you may have seen our staff manning booths at your local farmers market. We really love our communities and get excited to participate when the markets are open. We spread the word about healthy living to those that stop by and have questions or just want to chat. It’s amazing how many people we’ve been able to help that had lost all hope in living a mobile, active, or healthy life. It feels so good to give back to our community 💗

While I was strolling through trying to find the best deal and the most beautiful organic produce, a few things popped up that I thought might be beneficial to talk about today.

Before I do, I hope you enjoyed last week’s newsletter on Belly Fat, and the things you can do to help reduce this extremely serious warning sign that your body is screaming for help! If you missed it, you can read it here.

OK, let’s get started on some Farmer’s Market interesting tidbits…

What’s the scoop on Mushrooms?

Mushrooms are all the rage lately! I take mushroom 🍄 capsules any time I’m feeling like something is coming on, to boost my immune system…. (see the front desk if you are interested). Plus, I’ve been curious about mushroom Jerky…..

Are mushrooms healthy for you? Yes! They are a great source for antioxidants which help protect the body from damaging free radicals that can cause conditions like heart disease and cancer. They also protect you against damage from aging and boost your immune system. Mushrooms are rich in the antioxidant called selenium. In fact, they are the best source of the mineral in the produce aisle.

Mushrooms come in lots of different shapes, sizes, and colors. They happen to be quite healthy, and tasty too. They each have a unique look and taste.

So, I asked this guy at the organic mushroom booth from Two River Mushroom Farm and he explained that they have several fresh types to choose from: Chestnut, Cinnamon Cap, Forest Medley, Lions Mane, Oyster, Popping, Shiitake and Trimpet mushrooms. This farm is 100% organic, which isn’t too hard to do when growing mushrooms, by the way…. They have all kinds of mushroom recipes on their website (link to website, here), which is extremely helpful. When choosing your mushrooms, make sure they feel firm, aren’t moist to the touch, and are mold-free. They can be stored in a paper bag inside the fridge for about five days. Brush the dirt off and rinse them lightly when you’re ready to use them.

Oh, if you find mushroom Jerky, usually it’s cured with Tamari, and there are lots of different flavors. They retain the powerful antioxidants even when dehydrated into jerky!

Have you ever seen so many varieties of Tomatoes?

Okay, I’m crazy about tomatoes! Fresh not cooked…. This weekend was Tomato Saturday at the Farmer’s Market, and I went crazzzzy, LOL 😝 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅

Tomatoes are juicy and sweet, full of antioxidants, and help fight several diseases. They are especially high in lycopene, a plant compound linked to improved heart health, cancer prevention, and protection against sunburns. Tomatoes can be a valuable part of a healthy diet. However, people who are intolerant to nightshades, meaning they can't digest them properly, may have a negative reaction to tomatoes if too many are eaten.

As if we need any more benefits of eating these delicious farm fresh delectables, tomatoes also help the synthesis of good cholesterol and reduces the production of bad cholesterol. Therefore, people with any cardiovascular challenges will benefit from including tomatoes in their daily diet. It is also really helpful in lowering your elevated blood sugar levels.

WARNING: please make sure that the tomatoes you are eating and offering your family are ORGANIC, as tomatoes are on the dirty dozen list as one of the most pesticide sprayed foods on earth!

It’s Pepper season ;-)

Are peppers healthy for you? Heck yes, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, especially the ripest peppers, which are red. Peppers are also a good source of vitamin A and fiber. Bell peppers also have antioxidant properties, which may help to protect against diseases such as cardiovascular disease and some cancers.

Bell peppers have more vitamin C than oranges, too! Not just a pizza topping, you can stuff 'em or roast 'em to bring out their sweetness. Poblanos are also called anchos when they're dried.

Again, peppers are a member of the nightshade family. So, if you have an intolerance to nightshades, eat sparingly.

Eat your Probiotics!

Remember what we’ve been learning about Probiotics? Well, the farmer’s markets are offering some probiotic products that you might be interested in. Here is a bottle of “live” kimchi carrots that I found at the market this weekend. Kimchi, kombucha, live sauerkraut all have many health benefits, including helping improve gut health and enhancing immune function.

If you don’t want to experiment with some of these fermented foods….

Ask the front desk for our preferred probiotic supplement (as they are changing rapidly with new science coming out daily).

Don’t forget to take Mom some flowers…

Flowers are always a lovely thing to bring home 🏡 💕

It doesn’t necessarily need to be Mom that you bring flowers home to. Treat yourself to something beautiful that makes you feel alive and appreciative of the beauty our world has to offer 🌎

Farmers love to share their secrets!

Most farmers markets have all kinds of fabulous information on how to grow your own food. Here’s just a few of the books (followed up with some passionate conversations) that I came across.

If you get inspired, here’s some last minute food you can grow very easily at the end of the summer and fall:

  • Broccoli and Kohlrabi. Both of these brassicas are good at growing in cooler weather, as long as it doesn't get too cold. ...

  • Beets and Radishes. ...

  • Spicy Greens: Arugula and Mustard Greens. ...

  • Sturdy Greens: Spinach and Kale. ...

  • Turnip Greens and Roots. ...

  • Green Onions. ...

  • Peas.

The Bottom Line

Whether you are a moped riding, ukulele strumming character like we ran into this weekend at the market, I hope today’s newsletter has inspired you get on down to your local market and enjoy some fresh delicious organic produce. Watch for tomatoes, peppers, fresh beans, spices, kale, peaches, berries, farm fresh eggs and meats. It’s so uplifting to just go and walk around all the abundance! And, don’t forget to stop by our booth if we happen to be at your farmers market; we’d love to see you 💗

Remember, you can find healthy recipes in my new cookbook, “Eat Like Your LIFE Depends on It”. We’ve got copies at the front desk at a reduced price for our patients.

Don’t forget the (5) Essentials we talk about at Ferguson Life Health Centers…

  • Mindset

  • Nerve Supply

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Minimizing Toxins

There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ♡ Design your life, Create your reality…

This is life changing!

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Dr Derek Ferguson