šŸ¤© Make YOU c-o-u-n-t šŸ¤©

Before you get carried away organizing your life, planning healthy meals or figuring out your new sleep app - you have a fabulous, personal, opportunity right now!

I believe, first, in a humble, simple truth: that each and every one of us is here to live a life that matters. And, we must do so by making each and every moment, of each and every day, of each and every year, that we are privileged to live, c-o-u-n-t.

And while planning is important, Iā€™d like to propose three thoughts that will help you create something that matters even more: A year that counts, and Being the person you were put here to Become šŸ¤©

Now, stay with me hereā€¦. I promise to keep this super short and to-the-point. You will feel great after this, I promise šŸ„°

Before we get started, I hope you found the last few holiday newsletters helpfulā€¦.. šŸŽ…šŸ¼ If you missed them, you can use this link, Here.


If you want your year to count, donā€™t start with your goals. Donā€™t start with your plans. Donā€™t start with your objectives. Start with your dreams.

Our dreams do more than ā€œinspireā€ us. Our dreams infuse us. They sing to us of who we may become. They elevate us.

For our days to count, we must feel (sometimes painfully, sometimes joyously) that our better selves are roaring, exploding, thundering to life. And our dreams are the songs that awaken them.

Never, ever, give up on your dreams. Not when itā€™s difficult; and especially not when itā€™s sensible. Nothing is more senseless than the sensible choice to live a meaningless life.

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM?ā€¦. (inspired by Dr. Seuss)

What is your dream?

Is it big? Is it small?
Is it short? Is it tall?

Does it have color?
Is it black and white?
Are there rainbows in it?
Are they faint or are they bright?

Where does your dream take you?
Far away or near?
Can you see it with the eye?
Can you hear it with the ear?

Or is it something that just lives in your head?
Like something you wish someone had said.

Whatever it is, thereā€™s one thing to know:
Your dream is a nudge thatā€™s whispering, ā€œgo!ā€

To some itā€™s a shout, or even a shove.
It pushes you hard if itā€™s a dream that you love.

So why are you waiting?
Whatā€™s holding you back?
Whatā€™s in your way?
Whatā€™s got you off track?

Now is the time.
There is no time better.
The only requirement?
Be a go-getter!

Your dream wants to live,
To shift out of park.
Ready to get going?
Let this be your spark!


There are two reasons for human action, Fear and Love.

What are you afraid of? Rejection, poverty, disgrace? Whatever you call it, here is what it is: suffering. But you must never be afraid to suffer.

Itā€™s not that suffering makes you ā€œstrongerā€ā€¦..

But, that suffering is so intimately connected with love - with what makes life worth living.

Your fears are not imaginary: they will, it is likely, come true. Yes, you will get dumped, axed, insulted. You will fail, stumble, falter. You will hurt, ache, yearn, long, want, despair. But that is precisely the fire in which all the elements of greatness - empathy, grace, tolerance, forgiveness, perseverance - are forged.

When we treat suffering as merely pain to be escaped, we sacrifice passion in the process. In a world where so many want to feel passionate about their lives and their work, very few seem willing to suffer. But you canā€™t have one without the other.

Suffering is the fire that melts the person you must leave behind. Suffering signals the price of growth; and we can never learn the worth of growth if we are afraid to suffer.


Love. Yearning. Loss. Grief. Heartbreak. Tragedy. Despair. Triumphā€¦ā€¦ All that and more, we must let happen, if we are to grow.

What stands in the way, most often? The world? No, itā€™s us, ourselves - it is the worst in us, that will not budge, that will not yield, that limits us. This leaves us feeling cheated; wronged, strangled - because, in truth, we are.

We are cheating ourselves when we do not let life happen. We donā€™t have to be conditioned and programmed by cheap desires and the programming of others (i.e., social media, advertising, our past).

So let YOU happen - all of you. Free yourself.

Want a year that counts?

Maybe you have to end a bad relationship so that you can have your heart shattered into a million tiny aching piecesā€¦so it can beat with a fiercer rhythm.

Maybe you have to tell your Boss ā€œnoā€ instead of smiling and nodding like a spineless flunky.

Maybe you have to apologize to someone, and look your shortcomings straight in the eye.

Maybe you have to finally start treating your body like you want to be treated, with love, care and dignity - instead of lying to yourself that youā€™ll start later.

Or maybe you have to start that company, marry that person, or put down roots - even when the ground beneath you feels like shifting sand.

Or maybe you have to strike out and get lost in the unknown to find the opportunity on the other side.

Whatever it is, let it happen.


ā€œEvery year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself.ā€

ā€œNew Year = A New Life! Decide today who you will become, what you will give, and how you will live.ā€ - Anthony Robbins

ā€œI donā€™t know where Iā€™m going from here, but I promise it wonā€™t be boring.ā€ - David Bowie

Which moments count? Theyā€™re not the ones that fill up our wallets. Theyā€™re not the ones where we have eye-candy on our arms. Theyā€™re not the ones where we buy, have, possess, barter, win, conquer. Theyā€™re the ones in which we recognize the meaning-less-ness of all that.

So stop. Stop scurrying. Stop chasing. Stop worrying, envying, hoarding, scheming.

Youā€™re free. (You always were.) And you have a choice - and a chance at making it all count. Not just this year. But every instant. Every moment. Your life. You.

Hereā€™s a great secret: you donā€™t only live once!

You live an uncountable multitude of times;

A lifetime in every day.

And thatā€™s more than enough for anyone.

And so, the question isnā€™t if youā€™re going to die.

Itā€™s whether youā€™re going to live.

šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„ Happy New Year, my friend šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„

Make an appointment and come talk with us if you are having doubts or questions about your familyā€™s health. We will give you the honest truth, and the clinical research that supports it.

To make an appointment with me use this link: HERE.

Or, you can always give me a call at (973) 210-3838

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Dr Derek Ferguson