Are you OUT OF YOUR MINDset?

It's been said "mindset is everything" and I agree.

While we cannot control the people in our lives, the things they do, or even the events which happen...from a broken washing machine to a global pandemic, from the driver in front of us, to one country deciding they have the right to invade another...

If we are being honest... it's all out of our control.

The only thing we CAN truly control is our mindset.

How we choose to react, to think, to take action, to do nothing, to feel, to go numb...that is all within our power to control.

We always have a choice.

Sometimes... it may not seem that way... because a victim mindset is a tricky little devil.

It makes us believe we are powerless and can do nothing, but it's nevertrue.

We can always make the choice to see things in a different perspective, show compassion, be patient, let things go, respond with love, and take back our personal power.

**** Reminder ****

Come get inspired, tomorrow we will be hosting our community give-back class:

“You out of your Mindset?“

DATE: March 22, 6pm

(Free to our patients and guests)


Ferguson Life Health Center, 375 New Jersey 10, Whippany, NJ 07981

***** Call to reserve your seat (973) 210-3838

Cornerstone Health Center, Route 31, Building C, Suite 903, Countryside Plaza North, Flemington, NJ 08822

***** Call to reserve your seat (908) 508-7600

Plus, if you missed last week’s newsletter on “Set your scale back 10 Lbs”, you can use this link HERE.

Shift Into a Powerful Mindset

How many of us resist change and opportunities because we are afraid, or because we feel we are not ready, or we don't know yet how to execute a thing fully?

Changing my self-belief is exactly how I quit my self-doubt addiction. Our beliefs really dictate our entire life, and we start forming them from we're very small children (many times subconsciously without even being aware of them).

Are you stuck in a fog?

Come to our Mindset talk on Tuesday, and in the mean-time enjoy this interview with David Bayer that I hope you will find interesting. Link HERE.

I loved the way this interview was broken down into steps for people to really grasp, especially since the vast majority of people chit chat about self-awareness which is all great, but we have to figure out how we are designed, and how to truly attack it, rather than having these spurts of inspirational goals that we never see-through, ultimately setting ourselves up for failure time and time again, that same loop pattern.

On Tuesday, we will be focusing on how MINDSET controls our health.

A Take-Home Message

“Don't let not knowing how, prevent you from spending time getting additional clarity or imagining because that's actually what's required to happen in order for you to know how." 

So powerful!!

Everything in your life hinges on the fact that your actions and emotions are a chain reaction of your beliefs.

Again, many of us resist change and opportunities because we are afraid, or because we feel we are not ready, or we don't know yet how to execute a thing fully.

There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ♡ design your life, create your reality…

This is life changing, come join us tomorrow!

Dr Derek Ferguson