Set your scale back 10 Lbs, really?

Surprise! Bet you didn’t know there are actually Health Benefits of Daylight Saving Time, did you?

Daylight Saving Time, also known as that time in spring when we lose an hour of sleep, has been the subject of both praise and criticism; thank you Benjamin Franklin!

While waking up slightly under-slept after that 2 a.m. clock jump is hardly most people's idea of a good time, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Daylight Saving Time may be a good thing in the long run.

The time change actually does a lot more than just make us miserable that one morning in March. In fact, there are plenty of science-backed health benefits of Daylight Saving Time. With that in mind, I’ve rounded up several reasons you'll want to embrace the time change this year.

Before we dive in, don’t forget that tomorrow we will be announcing our March Madness Winner. Plus, we have a class happening on March 22nd (see below for details); and, if you missed last week’s newsletter on “Tips to make this year Count”, you can use this link HERE.

You'll be safer on the road.

There's no question that driving when it's light out is easier. Luckily, the extra sunlight we enjoy during Daylight Saving Time might mean we're safer on the roads, too. According to a study published in Accident Analysis & Prevention, if DST were adopted year round, the lives of hundreds of motorists and pedestrians would be saved every year.

You'll walk more.

Increased daylight doesn't just make driving easier and safer—it also makes people want to walk more, too. A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that the extra daylight granted by the time change accounted for a 62 percent increase in pedestrians - not to mention a 38 percent increase in cyclists. That's good news for the environment, but it's also good news for us, given the many health benefit of walking (click HERE for more details).

You'll ditch those unwanted pounds.

Believe it or not, getting some extra sunlight during DST may also be the key to losing those last 10 pounds once and for all, and not just because of a higher step count. Research conducted reveals that overweight women who increased their intake of vitamin D - a vitamin bioavailable through sunlight - to sufficient levels lost more weight than those who only dieted and exercised. Click here for more details.

You'll get outside more.

Sunlight is great, and so is being outside in general. Those long sunny evenings we enjoy during Daylight Saving Time make it easier to find time to spend outdoors - and that may improve our mood. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Healthreveals that people with access to green space have fewer incidents of depression than those without. So go have that evening picnic!

You'll enjoy the mood-boosting sunrise.

The later sunset is an obvious benefit of the time change, but so is a later sunrise! During Daylight Saving Time, you don't have to be a super early riser to catch the sunrise, which could have serious health benefits. One significant study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that waking up in relation to the sunrise decreases a person's chance of depression. The study's outcome noted that we should be enjoying DST all year.

You'll feel your seasonal depression lifting.

On the whole, Daylight Saving Time might just give you a leg up when it comes to kicking those winter blues. Studies reveal that incidents of depression increase by 11 percent when the clock shifts back in November, suggesting that springing forward may help reduce depressive episodes. That's because Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is likely caused by a "biochemical change” in the brain, triggered by shorter days and reduced sunlight in the winter. For those suffering from seasonal depression specifically, that extra hour of sunlight can do a world of good.

You'll experience increased vitamin levels.

Still not convinced about the health benefits of Daylight Saving Time and all that extra sunlight? Try this one. Studies show that there are countless benefits to UV ray exposure that we dismiss because of the harm caused by excessive exposure. That's not suggesting you skip the sunscreen, but it is saying that there are very real reasons to appreciate the sun - particularly its role in the production of vitamin D, which promotes healthy bones, reduces blood pressure, and generally keeps you healthier overall.

You'll sleep better.

The disruption caused by DST can be a shock to your system, but it may benefit your sleep in the long run. Increased exposure to sunlight can boost your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy. When you've got more sunlight in the day, you may find it easier to hit the hay at a reasonable hour.

You'll drink less.

The long, cold days of winter can make anyone look forward to a Hot Toddy or glass of wine when they come home. Fortunately, research suggests that people tend to drink more in the winter months than at any other time of year. Whether that's because it's warming up or because increased daylight is naturally boosting your mood, you might find you have an easier time skipping that glass of chardonnay. And, given all the benefits of drinking less alcohol, that's good news for your health!

A Take-Home Message

So, what’s better: Only a fleeting moment of daylight before work (and driving home in the dark) or being able to enjoy the daylight well into the evening hours? That’s what I thought. More light = more time to do what you want or need to do = a happier you.

It’s inevitable: You’re going to come across people who were “surprised” by the time change - and they won’t be happy about it. Just keep the above-mentioned benefits of daylight saving time in mind and don’t fall victim to their bad moods. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even realize that you don’t dread “springing forward” after all.

Dr Derek Ferguson