Tips to make this year Count!

You can make a GREAT difference with your life this year!!!!

You know, it is the years that make your life. Your past is made up of years past, and your future is made up of years to come.

✓ Who you are today is a product of what you’ve put in, what you’ve reaped or what you’ve experienced in the years past. And, who you will be tomorrow will depend to a large extent on what you do or experience today.

 What you make of your year is important! It can add or subtract from your life.

So, GET READY to release that special dream inside of you this year! 

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Here’s your challenge. Yes, you - right here, right now, have a chance at a year that really counts.

So, I’d be willing to bet you’ve been cutting back on sugar and vowing to get more exercise this year. 2022 is the year you will finally floss! And, get the sleep you know you need!

But wait.

Before you get carried away in your file folder of new healthy recipes and your elaborate new system of time management - you have a bigger opportunity here. Being the person you were put here to become.

I believe, first, in a humble, simple truth: that each and every one of us is here to live a life that matters. And we must do so by making each and every moment, of each and every day, of each and every year, that we are privileged to live - count.

And while you are eating healthy and flossing away, I’d like to suggest some tips that will help you create something that really matters: a year that counts.

I will share with you one of my passions that I’m dreaming and stretching for this year. I’d love to hear about yours….

Oh, by the way, if you missed my newsletter last week on “Decluttering your Life”, use this link HERE.

Don’t give up on your dreams.

If you want your year to count, don’t start with your goals. Don’t start with your plans. Don’t start with your objectives. Start with your dreams. The bigger, the more laughable, the more impossible - the better. We feel as if our lives count when - and only when - we brush against our dreams. When we feel them; when we know them; then we become them. Our dreams do more than “inspire” us. Our dreams infuse us. They elevate us. For our days to count, we must feel -sometimes painfully, sometimes joyously, never easily - that our better selves are roaring, exploding, thundering to life. And our dreams are the songs that awaken them.

Never, ever give up on your dreams. Not when it’s difficult; and especially not when it’s sensible. Nothing is more senseless than the sensible choice to live a meaningless life.

Don’t be afraid to suffer.

There are two reasons for human action: Fear and Love.

What are you afraid of? Rejection, poverty, disgrace? Whatever you call it, here is what it is: suffering. But you must never be afraid to suffer. It’s not that suffering makes you “stronger” - No: it’s that suffering is so intimately connected with Love - with what makes life worth living. Your fears are not imaginary: they will, it is likely, come true. Yes, you will get dumped, axed, insulted. You will fail, stumble, falter. You will hurt, ache, yearn, long, want, despair. But, that is precisely the fire in which all the elements of greatness - empathy, grace, tolerance, forgiveness, perseverance - are forged.

It is no accident that the word passion arose from the Latin word for suffering. When we treat suffering as merely pain to be escaped, we sacrifice passion in the process. In a world where so many want to feel passionate about their lives and their work, very few seem willing to suffer. But you can’t have one without the other.

Suffering is the fire that creates the person you must leave behind. Suffering signals the price of growth; and we can never learn the worth of growth if we are afraid to suffer.

Let you happen.

We are often told that we must “make it happen”; if we wish our lives to be precisely so. If we are here to live lives that matter, resonant with purpose, luminous with celebration, here is the truth: we must let ourselves be, in every instant, who we were meant to become. We must let “it” happen. What is “it”? All that which fills our actions with meaning; without which life is little more than an empty, meaningless performance - good and bad. Love. Yearning. Loss. Grief. Heartbreak. Tragedy. Despair. Triumph. All that and more - we must let happen, if we are to grow. We are cheating ourselves of meaning when we do not let life happen - and act as society would like us to by: Achieving! Earning! Spending! & Dying! Let yourself break the mold, have the courage and be who you are called to be.

So, let you happen - all of you. Free yourself. Want a year that counts? Maybe you have to end a bad relationship so that you can have your heart shattered into a million tiny aching pieces…so it can beat with a fiercer rhythm. Maybe you have to pull on those tight pants and be scared all day that the seam is going to split open, rather than buying a bigger pair so you can be more comfortable. Maybe you have to apologize to someone, and look your shortcomings straight in the eye. Or maybe you have to start that company, marry that person, and put down roots — even when the ground beneath you feels like shifting sand. Or maybe you have to strike out and get lost in the unknown to find the opportunity on the other side. Whatever it is, let it happen.

Make a difference in your Community

So, here is one of my BIG passions this year. Making a difference in my community. Hopefully you resonate with this cause as well…

Imagine this: There is talk of another lockdown. You know the devastation it will cause, so you pick up the phone and call your elected official’s office. You let them know your concerns. You tell others to do the same. The next week you see a headline that your community will keep businesses and schools open. Your voice was heard.

This is not a fantasy. This happens when we build relationships with people who will represent us. And, the primary elections give us an amazing opportunity to do just that.

When the federal government issues an Order or guidance or other health policy, your governor can choose, or refuse, compliance. Health and welfare are the Constitutionally-protected domain of the states.

In 2022, (36) governors across the US will face voters. These races are critical for the liberty of all Americans. Governors will either set the tone for cultural freedom, or pave the way for bad policies. Some governors championed health freedom over the past two years, and some destroyed it.

Your choice for governor and mayor will affect the level of privacy you have for health decisions for your family. It will affect how you can school your children, and what they may learn. The decision impacts business, which drives job growth and eventually population in your state.

How will the 2022 primaries help?

People want their voices heard and their candidates in office care about primaries. Smart voters know that their votes matter even more in primaries than in general elections.

Primaries give you the most bang for your buck.

  • Your vote has even more of an impact. Primaries historically have low voter turnout. If you cast a vote where 1 million people are voting, your one-in-a-million vote doesn’t weigh in as much as when you cast a vote with 1000 other people.

  • This is the best time to get one-on-one time with your candidate. During the primaries, the candidates want to talk with you. They want to hear what issues are important to the people they want to represent. The time to build relationships is now. Once your candidate is elected, they will be busy with bills and other duties of their office. Their time will be very limited and their focus pulled in many directions.

  • If you want your values represented in the general election, vote now. Primaries are the way political parties choose who runs in the general election. Many people simply vote along party lines. They trust their party chose the best person for the job, they assume their views are aligned with their party. They let the party do their thinking for them. But you know within a party there are many differing views. The primaries are the time to make sure your values and priorities are the focus of the candidates representing the party. The party’s priorities and positions for the general election are decided on in the primaries.

Take Action.

When you find a candidate you like, support them. 

Health freedom is at the front of everyone’s mind after years of unprecedented policy. We can use the primaries as leverage to shift the momentum in America back to respect for our health, our bodies, our privacy, and our families.

Learn about your candidates by going to Vote for Health Freedom page HERE or Text the letters VHF to 52886, to learn about candidates in your area!

Tell your candidates to take the Health Freedom Survey page HERE so we can support those who will stand for health freedom!

A Take-Home Message

So, which moments really count in life? They’re not the ones that fill up our wallets. They’re not the ones where we have a pretty girl (or boy) on our arms. They’re not the ones where we buy, have, possess, barter, win, conquer. They’re the ones in which we humble ourselves to the meaninglessness of all that.

So stop. Stop scurrying. Stop chasing. Stop worrying, envying, hoarding, scheming.

You’re free. (You always were.) And you have a choice - and a chance. At making it all count. Not just this year. But every instant. Every moment. It. Your life. You.

Here’s a great secret: you don’t only live once. You live an uncountable multitude of times; a lifetime in every day. And that’s more than enough for anyone.

And so.

The question isn’t if you’re going to live. It’s whether you’re going to make a difference this year to live a full, meaningful life.

If you’d like to make a HUGE shift in your life and make some health changes, make sure to check out our Essential Life Transformation online class if you haven’t completed it before. This class helps you create a roadmap, with actual footsteps, to get you to the healthy life of your dreams. You can access the completely FREE online “self-paced” class using this LINK.

Our office can help you gain a better understanding of a healthy lifestyle you and anyone in your family can LIVE with. Please give us a call or ask at the front desk for what we can do to help. We can help you regain your personal balance of true health.

THE most important thing in life, is how you feel about YOURSELF!!!!

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Dr Derek Ferguson