Labor Day? 🇺🇸 Getting and Staying pregnant, plus Childbirth 🥰

Sorry, couldn’t help it 🤣😎🤣

Yes, Labor Day is the day we honor and recognize the American labor movement and the contributions of all the laborers in our great USA 🇺🇸🤩🇺🇸

And don’t forget all those labor and delivery nurses who are literally celebrating Labor Day every day!

As we all know, Labor Day weekend unofficially marks the end of the summer. My favorite way to celebrate is having a yard party with friends and family, and fixing a delicious meal outside on the grill 😎

But for some, the phrase “Labor Day” brings up a host of uncomfortable feelings. Especially those surrounding getting pregnant, staying pregnant full-term and childbirth. But, I’ve got good news! Our office has helped countless couples get and stay pregnant; naturally and holistically, without drugs or any expensive protocols 🤩

So, if you know anyone trying to get or stay pregnant, make sure to pass on this newsletter as your Good Deed for today 🥰 They will thank you for it 💗

Before we get started, I hope you enjoyed last week’s newsletter “Lunch Tips for the Whole Family”. If you missed it, you can use this link, Here.

OK, let’s talk fertility!

Infertility is a condition that affects roughly 10% of couples in the United States and is defined as the inability to get pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. This is a fairly common condition and one that truly has devastating effects on the couple trying to get pregnant.

In women the common causes of infertility include: hormonal issues and imbalances, nervous system dysfunction, heightened stress, fallopian tube issues, ovulation dysfunction, and pelvic alignment problems.

And, it’s not just women, men are having their own issues in the equation, too!

Couples who are having difficulty getting pregnant will often go to great lengths to solve this problem. Fertility drugs are a common approach but carry with them a host of possible long term side effects including increased risk of cancer.

Today, I’ll share the research and the results we’ve had in our office with how we help couples get and stay pregnant.

Don’t forget to share this with your friends and loved ones ☀️😎☀️


Family planning is an exciting, new adventure. However, when you’re trying to conceive, things don’t always go as planned. When months tick by with no positive pregnancy test, it’s easy to get discouraged.

If you’re trying to get pregnant and it’s not happening right away, you’re certainly not alone. When conception doesn’t occur within the first few months, it’s easy to second guess yourself and even panic a bit. The thought of infertility can be scary; the options presented are either costly or have some more serious long-term side effects.

Thankfully, there are ways to support your fertility naturally. Simple blood tests, and chiropractic care are a few of them.


Yes, men have an important role in the equation!

Fertility issues among men are increasingly common, with research published in 2017 suggesting that sperm count among men has halved in the last 40 years.

What causes fertility issues in men? The quality of sperm is usually to blame.

Factors such as diet, smoking and excess body fat are major causes of reduced sperm quality, so these are the first places we start to look at when aiming to boost men’s fertility.

There are also a number of nutritional therapies that have been shown to improve sperm counts and sperm mobility, including carnitine, arginine, zinc, selenium, and vitamin B-12. Numerous antioxidants have also proven beneficial in treating male infertility, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10.

We take simple blood samples to confirm levels of these important components; and if they need tweaking, we can get things straightened out quickly!

Lastly, poor circulation can impact fertility for men!

One of the big reasons impacting men’s fertility and sexual health is poor circulation.

Your circulatory system pumps oxygenated blood from your heart to areas around the body via the arteries, and then returns to the lungs via your veins to repeat the process.

Poor circulation can also impact the mobility (or movement) of sperm, therefore impacting the fertility of a man.

This is why chiropractic adjustments and exercise can be an important solution to men’s fertility issues.


As a woman, if you’re having difficulty conceiving, it can feel like you’re alone on a childless island. In reality, about 10 percent of women (that’s 6.1 million in the U.S. alone!) have difficulty getting and staying pregnant. Some of the most common infertility causes include hormonal issues and imbalances, nervous system dysfunction, heightened stress, fallopian tube issues, ovulation dysfunction, and pelvic alignment problems.

Though many factors can contribute to fertility challenges, when the going gets tough, often, there are only two treatment options presented to couples: IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or hormone therapy.

IVF fertilizes an egg outside the body and then is implanted into a woman’s uterus. Hormone therapy uses drugs that mimic natural hormones that promote ovulation to stimulate better or more viable eggs.

In the case of IVF, the cost is pretty darn high. Each attempt costs a minimum of $10,000,  making it less attainable for many couples. Additionally, the results aren’t promised. On the other hand, hormone therapy has been known to cause some more unpredictable and severe long-term health implications, like ovarian tumors or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which causes swollen and painful ovaries.

Understandably, many women aren’t too excited about these two options when they find themselves in this situation - yet still want to work toward better fertility.

So, what else is there to do?


If you’re having trouble conceiving but aren’t excited about more invasive treatments, working chiropractic care into your routine could grant some great fertility outcomes.

Though chiropractic care is frequently sought out for general wellness, many do not also realize the positive role it can also play in aiding fertility for both men and women. While chiropractic care alone might not “cure” infertility, it can be a great tool to use in your health routine to support your fertility efforts; and it has proven effective in many of our patients!

Gentle chiropractic adjustments of the spine and extremities help alleviate pressure in your joints, decrease stress and inflammation, and allow your entire body to function optimally and potentially conceive more easily.

In particular, these are the areas that chiropractic care can provide the most significant benefit to future parents.

Stress Reduction:

Many of us are working to manage stress from everyday life, but throw in the worry and stress from trying to conceive, and it’s easy for these levels to get dangerously high - even prohibitive to conception. Chiropractic care can alleviate pressure and inflammation in your joints, making it easier for your entire body to relax and regulate to a less-stressed state.

Increased Blood Flow:

Regular chiropractic care can also encourage an increase in blood flow which is positive news for conception! Some men struggle with sperm quality, and women can struggle due to blocked fallopian tubes. Encouraging better blood flow can make it easier for both sexes bodies to perform their best.

Reduced Pressure On The Pelvic Floor:

When your pelvis alignment is out of whack, it can impact the vitality of your reproductive organs by placing undue stress on them. Chiropractic adjustments can correct these misalignments, relieve the pressure, and help prime your body to perform its best reproductive roles, naturally.

To read more research on chiropractic and infertility, you can use this link.

If you or someone you know are struggling with fertility and don’t know where to turn, give chiropractic treatment a try.


Chiropractic care is a safe, effective practice during pregnancy. Not only can routine chiropractic care help manage pain in your back, hips, and joints, it can also establish pelvic balance. That can provide your baby with as much space as possible over the course of your pregnancy. This may lead to a faster, easier labor and delivery.

How can chiropractic care help during pregnancy?

There are many hormonal and physical changes you’ll experience during your pregnancy. Some of these will have an impact on your posture and comfort. As your baby becomes heavier, your center of gravity shifts, and your posture adjusts accordingly.

These physical changes during your pregnancy can lead to a misaligned spine or joints.

Other uncomfortable changes during pregnancy might include:

  • a protruding abdomen resulting in an increased curve of your back

  • changes to your pelvis as your body begins to prepare for labor

  • adaptations to your posture

Regular visits to a chiropractor during your pregnancy can address these issues. One collaborative chiropractic and medical study revealed that 75 percent of pregnant chiropractic care patients reported pain relief. Plus, adjustments designed to re-establish balance and alignment to your pelvis and spine will do more than just make you feel better. Chiropractic care can be beneficial for your baby, too.

How is chiropractic care beneficial for the unborn baby?

A pelvis that’s out of alignment can restrict the amount of space available to your developing baby. When an external force obstructs your growing baby’s normal movements, it’s known as intrauterine constraint. This can lead to birth defects.

Another complication that a misaligned pelvis may pose relates to delivery. When the pelvis is out of alignment, it can make it hard for your baby to move into the best position to be born, which is rear-facing, head down.

In some cases, this could affect a woman’s ability to have a natural and noninvasive birth. A balanced pelvis also means your baby has a lower chance of moving into a breech or posterior position. When your baby is in a nonoptimal birthing position, it can lead to a longer, more complicated delivery.

Other evidence points to improved outcomes in labor and delivery for women who’ve received chiropractic care during their pregnancy. In fact, it may help reduce the length of time you’re in labor.

In addition, regular chiropractic care while you’re pregnant can offer the following benefits:

  • help you maintain a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy

  • relieving pain in the back, neck, hips, and joints

  • help to control symptoms of nausea

To read more research on pregnancy and chiropractic, you can use this link.


“The beauty about chiropractic is the fact that it works with natural means. It puts nothing new into the body.”

“Chiropractic simply releases life forces within the body, and lets nature do her work in a normal manner.”

It’s true – the brain controls and coordinates all functions in the human body. The way it does this with the reproductive system is the same as all other systems. Messages are sent from the brain, down the spinal column, out through spinal nerves to the organs, tissues and cells. This communication between the brain and body is critical to proper function of the reproductive system. Without proper communication, the reproductive system cannot function normally on its own. Chiropractic care helps keep your brain and organs working in harmony!

There are many natural and holistic options, other than taking drugs or expensive procedures, that can oftentimes help with fertility issues. Your body, baby and pocketbook are worth trying them.

Plus, chiropractic care during pregnancy is extremely beneficial for baby placement, back pain, and easier delivery.

If you or someone you know needs help getting or staying pregnant, let me help!

To make an appointment with me use this link: HERE

Or, you can give me a call at (973) 210-3838

I want to hear from you! What are your fertility stories? Did you find this newsletter helpful?

Share your thoughts in the comments on our

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We bring tools such as these to you, our patients, by using proven cutting-edge therapies to extend the health-span, life-span and years of health for everyone (no matter their age)!

Dr Derek Ferguson