Take a moment for Yourself for some "Self-care" đŸ„°

Has this summer flown by and you are wondering where it went so quickly?

As the warm breezes turn into a crisp chill, the beach days dwindle, and the dawn of fall rolls around - saying goodbye to a well-spent summer may be difficult. However, this year’s summer hopefully brought you cherished memories, wonderful travels, a chance to relax and, of course, a great tan.

Let’s celebrate and look back on those moments with gratitude and look forward to the remainder of the year


Kids back in school with all their activities, end of the year work goals, getting back into your healthy habits, holidays approaching

This time of year, do you tend to get overwhelmed with everything going on in your life?

Whether it’s the responsibilities piling up at work, chores at home, or the people in your life who need your attention, it can feel like you have too much on your plate if you never get to step away from it all.

Hellooooo, it’s probably time to take some time for yourself đŸ„°

What does that mean? Today, we’ll talk about that, and HOW to DO it

Before we get started, many of you commented that you really enjoyed last week’s newsletter on, “Natural ways of Getting and Staying pregnant”, and lovingly passed it on to others in your life. If you missed it, you can use this link, Here.

Now, let’s get back to what I mean by some “you” time!


To find time for yourself means to set time aside consciously. This time should be meant for you and you alone.

It’s not meant to be time alone to catch up on the chores on your to-do list. It’s also not supposed to be time spent with your partner.

Putting aside some time that’s truly for yourself means you get to spend time on your own,

doing what you want to do,

not what anyone else thinks you should be doing!

It’s a simple self-care practice, yet difficult for many to implement.

People who take time for themselves may get the urge to be productive instead. But with time, you can practice the habit of truly taking time for yourself and just allowing yourself to exist without having to get anything done.

So what does it really mean to take time for yourself?

How can you achieve this without the entire world falling apart?

Let’s explore why time alone is so important.


There’s always a lot going on in anyone’s life. You have work, chores, keeping up with friends, spending time with your partner, caring for children and pets, and much more to think about.

There are several reasons why you should incorporate taking time for yourself in your self-care plan.

First, these moments alone can give you time to process your thoughts and feelings. Plus, if you’re an introvert, alone time gives you a much-needed break to recharge your batteries before your next social interaction.

During your moments spent alone, you can also practice self-reflection and self-awareness. You can begin to understand yourself more. There’s no one else you need to perform for and no one you need to impress. This means you can just be yourself and observe what that feels like.

In these moments of solitude, you can also start to understand what type of self-care you need; such as: exercise, sleep, eating habits, reading, journaling, daily routines, positive thinking, etc. You can experiment with different things you want to try and see what works best for you. 

Research suggests that time alone an help you experience freedom, creativity, intimacy and spirituality. You can read more, Here.


So how do you begin to take time for yourself, especially if you’re living a hectic lifestyle?

Here are a few ways:

  1. Express your needs - It’s no one else’s job to guess what you need. Let your friends and family know that you need to take time for yourself. Think of ways you can ask for their support. For instance, you could get an accountability partner who also takes time for themselves.

  2. Implement an exercise routine - Find a form of physical exercise that you enjoy. This can be a great way to spend time with yourself. An exercise routine can greatly improve your physical health and well-being! If you have children, look into finding a gym that has a daycare. That will make it easier to ensure you get enough time alone while you exercise.

  3. Take a solo lunch break - sometimes, you may need alone time more than bonding time. Don’t feel guilty about taking your lunch break alone from time to time.

  4. Make a date with yourself - Make a point to mark a date with yourself in your calendar, just like you would if you had a date with a loved one. Respect the commitment to the date. If you respect others enough to show up, then you should respect yourself just as much. During your date, try activities you’ve always wanted to try. No one else can disagree with you.

  5. Try doing nothing - Doing nothing also means staying off your phone or television. Try putting away the screens and social media to enjoy a distraction-free moment with yourself. Make yourself a cup of coffee. Take deep breaths. Smile. 

Learn how to take time for yourself and put yourself back on your list of priorities.

If you’re used to putting everyone else first, it can be difficult to take time for yourself in the beginning. But as you practice this skill, it’ll become more and more comfortable for you.

AND, you’ll see the benefits!


"Self-care is giving the world what’s best of you, instead of what’s left of you."

"I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival."

"In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering, if you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself. The point is to have long-term perspective."

You are your own no.1. You therefore have to be your own priority.

This doesn't mean you should totally cut off other people. It just means that to best give to others, it is important to give to ourselves first. If we don't treat ourselves with love and respect, how can we treat others with love and respect?

Hopefully today these words have helped to highlight the importance of putting yourself at the top of your to-do list!

If you are having a difficult time learning how to take time for yourself and put yourself back on your list of priorities, make a point to come see me so I can help you!

If you feel stressed, it might make you:

  1. Find it hard to make decisions.

  2. Unable to concentrate.

  3. Unable to remember things, or make your memory feel slower than usual.

  4. Constantly worry.

  5. Snap at people.

  6. Bite your nails.

  7. Pick at or itch your skin.

  8. Grind your teeth or clench your jaw.

  9. Feel like your thoughts are racing and you can't switch off.

Stress can be either a triggering or aggravating factor for many diseases.

Various factors, for example, hormones, neuroendocrine mediators, peptides, and neurotransmitters are involved in the body's response to stress. Many disorders originate from stress, especially if the stress is severe and prolonged. If you are overly stressed, let me help you!

To make an appointment with me use this link: HERE

Or, you can give me a call at (973) 210-3838

I want to hear from you! As summer winds down, what meaningful things will you do for yourself? Did you find this newsletter helpful?

Share your thoughts in the comments on our

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