Tips for not giving up on your Personal Health goals đŸ€©

Don’t give up on your Health goals just yet. You only have one body, and you are already taking steps to take care of it. The only thing left to do is keep going.

Every New Year’s Eve, many of us commit to health goals for the next 365 days. Maybe we want to lose weight, eat healthier, or meditate more often.

But then February 1 rolls around. A special day for a different reason: it’s when most Americans abandon their resolutions, according to a 2020 study. And 68% give up earlier than that.

But wait 🛑 I’ve got good news!

Most people drop their resolutions due to low self-discipline and a busy schedule. And maybe you can relate.

Sure, you wanted to run on the treadmill or take a walk this morning. But you have to wake up, dress yourself, prepare your kids’ lunches, make sure they eat breakfast, dress them up for school, get them on the bus, drive to work, and
 the list goes on.

And by the end of the day, the stresses of work zapped all your energy. So you wait until tomorrow to start all over again.

It’s a lot! But there are simple ways to achieve a healthier lifestyle. And doing so will reduce risk factors for your health, boost your energy, and increase your motivation. 

That’s where personal health goals can help!

Today, find out exactly what personal health goals are, along with how to achieve them.  

Before we get started, many of you were really jazzed about last week’s newsletter on, “Taking a moment for Yourself”, and we had a lot of discussion about it in the office. If you missed it, you can use this link, Here.

Now, let’s get back to what Personal Health Goals are, and how you can use them to boost your energy, and increase your motivation đŸ€©


Goals, loosely defined, are desired outcomes that wouldn’t occur without your intervention. You can’t achieve them without input. 

Personal health goals are outcomes you desire for your personal health. 

This definition might sound obvious, but let’s take a closer look. There’s beauty in its simplicity. Health goals extend beyond just your physical health - you can focus on other kinds, too
. Your mental, financial, and social health all fall under this umbrella.

It also means you can adjust the distance of your target. While this may feel like cheating, it’s really not. To succeed with health goals, start with targets you can actually hit, so you don’t lose motivation.

Let’s demonstrate with an example. If you’re playing basketball, would you prefer to sink (5) free throws in a row or score (1) three-pointer and airball the rest? 

The free throws would surely feel more satisfying, even if they’re more accessible. And you would probably feel motivated to keep throwing instead of getting discouraged and giving up. 

You’re in the driver’s seat. There’s no shame in finding an easier road to go down đŸ„°

Even the smallest goals can improve your health and wellbeing!


As mentioned earlier, many things fall under “personal health.” Here are the types of goals for you to consider:

Nutritional goals:

Goals about your nutrition can include:

  • Aiming to eat healthier 

  • Drinking more water

  • Eating more protein

  • Controlling your portions

  • Eating at the table instead of in front of the TV

Mindful eating - focusing on the entire experience of your meal - will increase the success of eating habits. Studies have also shown that you absorb more nutrients from meals that you enjoy eating, so don’t force yourself to eat kale if you don’t want to. Opt for more vegetables and protein instead of processed foods, and you’re well on your way. 

Physical goals:

Some potential physical goals could include::

  • Trying a new physical activity

  • Counting your steps

  • Increasing your workout time each week

  • Stretching every day

You can also set small-scale goals to support your overall health, like always taking the stairs or doing a few squats every time you go to the bathroom đŸšœ

Mental health goals:

You can make a goal to meditate more, show more gratitude, and find time for self-care (we talked about his last week) - all of which can have positive health outcomes.

With all three categories of health goals, start small so you don’t get overwhelmed. 


Health goals have many measurable benefits, including:

  • Having good health

  • Living a long life

  • Increasing your energy

  • Reducing pain and risk of illness

  • Cutting down on stress

  • Losing weight 

But if these reasons alone were good enough, everyone would pursue their health goals. Knowing that exercise is good for heart health isn’t always motivating enough to work out every day.

In reality, these outcomes mean nothing if they don’t speak to you personally. You have to decide why health goals are important to YOUR life. What will they help you accomplish in the long run?

Answering this question will help you find your motivation.


Once you have your personalized list of health goals, here’s how you can go about achieving them.

1.Use the SMART method 🧐

Using this method will help you design your goals more effectively. In doing so, you’re creating better conditions for your success.

SMART goals are:

  • Specific: you have a clear picture of your desired outcome

  • Measurable: you have a clear way to measure your success

  • Attainable: you can accomplish your goal with the skills and resources you have

  • Realistic: your goal is aligned with a larger purpose

  • Time-bound: you have a deadline for achieving your goal

2. Create a trail of breadcrumbs 😎

Your goal(s) should build on the last, inching you toward your final goal. Keep the SMART method in mind while organizing your steps. If one isn’t achievable right away, your preceding goals should work up to it.

3. Make your goal(s) FUN đŸ„ł

Not everyone enjoys the same activities. One person might love the gym, and others might prefer a dance class. Find a type of fitness that fits you and your personality.

You can also give your goals fun names. Instead of “running a mile in eight minutes,” you’re actually “tearing up a mile of city streets in eight minutes or less.”

4. Tie them to a larger purpose 💗

Why do you want a healthy lifestyle? Maybe you want to keep up with your kids, improve your focus at work, or become a better partner. These reasons go beyond the goal itself - they’re tied to a wider purpose. This can be a powerful inspiration when you aren’t in the mood.

5. Focus on one healthy habit at a time ✅

You might want to start meditating, get eight hours of sleep, hit the gym consistently, get more productive at work, and take a weekly Zumba class. That’s a lot to do at once.

It’s best to form one healthy habit at a time. This will make everything feel more manageable, reducing the likelihood of burning yourself out and quitting. Forming a habit takes between 18 and 254 days, so pace yourself accordingly. Set specific goals and take them one at a time.

6. Reward yourself đŸ€©

Give your brain a reward with a dose of dopamine when you achieve a goal. You can do this by leveraging extrinsic motivators that condition your brain to enjoy a task. 

This could look like allowing yourself a scoop of ice cream after a breakthrough. And remember, you aren’t failing at your goal just because you want a sweet treat.

7. Track your progress 📈

Take advantage of the many daily habit tracker apps available for your phone. Alternatively, you can go old school with a standard pen and paper.

Either way, tracking your progress will help you reflect on how far you’ve come. Doing this will help you stay motivated.

8. Tell people about your goals 📣

You’ve heard that actions speak louder than words. But talking about your goals can help keep you accountable. Don’t be afraid to tell a friend or family what you’re working on.

9. Find a buddy đŸ‘Żâ€â™‚ïž

Pursuing a goal with a friend can also keep you motivated. Whether you’re going to the gym or taking a class together, setting goals with your friends can make the whole experience more fun. 

10. Keep a journal 📝

Writing and reflecting on your goals can help your motivation. Journaling keeps your ambitions front-and-center, so you don’t forget what you’re working toward.


You might be wondering, “What are good health goals?” These examples can help inspire you as you think of your own 🧐

Nutritional goals:

1. Eat four protein and plant-based meals per week to lower your carbohydrate intake

2. Drink eight cups of water every day so you can have more energy at work

3. Stop drinking alcohol so you can reduce your weight 

Physical goals:

4. Stretch every 40 minutes to prevent back pains at work

5. Try a new workout class every month to keep things fresh in your life

6. Exercise a bit longer every week to build up your endurance

7. Improve your cardio so you can reduce your risk of heart attack

Mental health goals:

8. Establish a morning routine so you’re less stressed after you wake up

9. Get more sleep to have more energy in the day

10. Write in your gratitude journal every day so you can have a more positive outlook on life


"Remember that anything worthwhile takes time and requires some serious energy, dedication, and sacrifice.”

“As long as you’re alive, you have more power than you could ever imagine.”

Make your health your priority.

Personal goals encompass various aspects of life, such as career, personal development, academics, fitness, finances, relationships, and more. They are set to facilitate growth and success in different areas.

Don’t give up on your New Year’s resolution(s) just yet. You only have one body, and you are already taking steps to take care of it. The only thing left to do is keep going.

Go back and re-evaluate your goals using the tips above. Now that you have a clearer idea of what personal health goals are, you can set yourself up for success with a healthier approach.

I can help you on your personal health goal-setting journey. Together, we can maximize your health and potential.

If you are having a difficult time learning how to put yourself back on your list of priorities, make a point to come see me so I can help you!

To make an appointment with me use this link: HERE

Or, you can give me a call at (973) 210-3838

I want to hear from you! As we head into the 4th quarter of this year, what personal health goals do you want to accomplish? Did you find this newsletter helpful?

Share your thoughts in the comments on our

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We bring tools such as these to you, our patients, by using proven cutting-edge therapies to extend the health-span, life-span and years of health for everyone (no matter their age)!

Dr Derek Ferguson