Why everyone is talking about Peptides

You’ve no doubt heard the buzz about peptides - but do you actually know what they are?

Yeah, thought so. Don’t feel bad, hardly anyone I talk to in the “real” world, that’s not involved in the field of science, even has a clue.

But the good news is, Peptides are now available to help us in many different ways. From new safe ways to protect crops, the crucial bee population, workers and the environment, to healthcare conditions such as skin health, pain relief, soft tissue repair, accelerating healing processes, promoting weight loss and lean muscle gain, reversing symptoms of sexual dysfunction, improving hormone production and cognitive function.

Wow, that’s a lot to take in!

I’d like to give you a simple, brief explanation of peptides, and why they are being used so many different ways in the healthcare field. 

But before I get you all pumped about how peptides can help with even the simplest things, as a reminder, if you missed last week’s newsletter on “Your Spring-Fling checklist”, you can use this link HERE.

Okay, get ready to learn all about peptides and why everyone in the health field (including me) is so excited about them!

Many of you may have heard of Peptides being used in skin products, others may have heard of them being used in the sports field; but they are beginning to be used in many, many, wonderful ways!

So what are peptides anyway?

Peptides are the building blocks of proteins and are composed of amino acids that work to regulate a variety of biological functions and processes. These naturally occurring peptides act as signaling molecules within the body and instruct other cells and molecules on what functions to perform. Think of them as the crosswalk attendants within your body!

A peptide is a short chain made up of two or more amino acids. The amino acids are linked by a chemical bond called a peptide bond. When organized in complex structures (typically consisting of 50 or more amino acids), peptides then become proteins. Peptides have several functions in the body. They are also the basis of various medications.

How do peptides function in the Body?

Peptides play many roles in the human body. Some peptides and their functions include:

Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone): This is a peptide hormone that is secreted in the hypothalamus - a small portion of the brain that’s located at the base of the brain. Vasopressin has a couple of functions.

It is responsible for regulating the amount of water present in the fluid space around cells (extracellular fluid). It does this by causing the kidneys to absorb water. In high quantities, vasopressin is also a vasoconstrictor, which means that it causes blood vessels to narrow, and as a consequence, blood pressure rises.

Vasopressin is inhibited by alcohol consumption, which causes people to urinate more than usual.

Oxytocin: This peptide hormone is produced by the pituitary gland (located in the brain) and is made up of nine amino acids. It causes the uterus to contract during childbirth. Oxytocin also plays a pivotal role in the milk ejection reflex ("let down") during breastfeeding. Oxytocin is sometimes known as the "cuddle hormone" or the "love hormone" because it is released when people snuggle up together or bond socially.

Defensins: These peptides are mostly active in the immune system and are thought to be antimicrobial, hence promoting the wound healing process.  

Angiotensins: These peptide hormones are part of the renin-angiotensin system. They help to regulate blood pressure and also stimulate the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex to promote sodium retention by the kidneys.

For more detail on some of the body’s peptides and their functions, read a short interesting article HERE.

How are peptides used in healthcare?

There are over 7,000 known peptides within the human body, and though some may be similar, each is responsible for facilitating a different response and action within the body. Some common functions of peptides include providing pain relief, aiding in soft tissue repair, accelerating healing processes, promoting weight loss and lean muscle gain, reversing symptoms of sexual dysfunction, and improving hormone production and cognitive function.

Weight loss, muscle gain, hormones and brain function… Wow!

What is Peptide Therapy?

Peptide therapy refers to restoring the number of peptides to stimulate cellular regrowth systems within the body as a treatment option for specific conditions. Peptides are typically administered directly into the bloodstream through injections, but may also be applied as topical creams, nasal sprays, or oral forms. They can be entirely customized to a patient’s unique needs and goals. By using a targeted method, we can produce a specific reaction in the body and treat a variety of conditions. Though our bodies naturally produce peptides, the production of peptides can vary greatly by individual and as we age, the number and quality of peptides within the body may decline.

Currently, we are treating patients using the oral and some using the injection form. Each form has it’s own use….

What are the benefits of Peptide Therapy?

Peptide therapy is an extremely unique treatment option that can be used to treat a variety of concerns. Some of the benefits of peptide therapy can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Accelerate healing processes

  • Boost hormone levels

  • Build muscle mass

  • Decrease joint and muscle pain

  • Enhance cognitive function and memory

  • Help reverse symptoms of sexual dysfunction

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Increase levels of energy, stamina, and strength

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Promote healthy immune function

  • Reduce signs of aging

  • Stimulate hair growth

Some peptides are designed to simulate human growth hormone (HGH) and are referred to as growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRP), while others are designed to support specific goals such as weight loss and reduction of joint/muscle pain.

Why should I consider Peptide Therapy? 

Since peptides are naturally found throughout the body, it is no surprise that when disordered, they can create ripples of effects across multiple systems that may affect other bodily functions such as your digestion, metabolism, weight loss, sexual desire, inflammation, neuropathy, and a myriad of age-related conditions.

Peptide therapy can aid in treating these conditions by mimicking your body’s own peptides, which elicit a particular response. As peptides are naturally occurring and specific in function, they are well tolerated within your body with minimal to no side effects of treatment. Generally, peptides used in therapy are crafted from animal or plant protein sources such as eggs, milk, meat, soy, oats, flaxseed, hemp seed and wheat.

A Take-Home Message

Whether it's reducing inflammation, pain relief, reducing age related symptoms or wound healing, I hope you have learned something about Peptides today. There’s actually a card game that’s been created to learn even more about peptides. You can learn more about the game HERE. I’ve also updated our website services to include peptide therapy, click HERE to check it out.

If any of the benefits mentioned regarding peptide therapy sound appealing to you, consider scheduling an appointment with us to talk about the benefits. We will look at the best way to ensure that you find the right treatment option for your lifestyle and goals. Peptide therapy may be the route we choose for your particular needs, or it may not. I wanted to let you know in our newsletter this week, that I am seeing amazing benefits for many of our patients already using peptide therapy. Plus, I am using peptides personally; and am very pleased with how my targeted challenges are improving.

A consultation with our team is the best way to ensure you find the right treatment option for your goals. Sign up with the front desk, or give us a call, and we’ll see if some kind of Peptide Therapy is right for you…

Next week, we’ll dive into BPC-157; the Peptide Therapy that is helping many individuals suffering from lengthy tissue regeneration or inflammation after an injury.

There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ♡ design your life, create your reality…

This is life changing!

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Dr Derek Ferguson