What is BPC-157 and who can it help?

Do you have discomfort due to muscle sprains, tears or damage?

Are you healing from a serious skin burn?

Have gastro issues?

If so, keep reading to learn about the peptide compound BPC-157…

Do you know anyone who has been injured because of any sports activity?

Or, have you ever hurt yourself because of sports?

Injuries such as tendon injuries are very common when it comes to any sports event. Well, truth be told because of how strenuous, and physical sports can be (such as soccer, baseball, football, tennis or hockey); getting injured is inevitable.

Most of the time, these tendon injuries are the result of tearing tendons because of overuse. And let me tell you, tendons healing from injuries can be quite slow in the healing process.

If you’re one of the many individuals suffering from lengthy tissue regeneration or inflammation after an injury, it would be helpful to have a quick, effective solution that can get you back to feeling your best.

There’s good news! A peptide compound known as BPC-157 has been shown to enhance healing of wounds (such as tendon and muscle injuries).

Before I spill the beans on why I’m so excited about BPC-157, make sure you have read last week’s newsletter where I gave you a brief explanation about how peptides work and how they are being used in the healthcare field. If you missed last week’s newsletter on “Why is everyone talking about Peptides?”, you can use this link HERE to get up to speed.

Okay, get ready to learn all about the BPC-157 peptides and why everyone in the health field (including me) is so excited about the results!

Many of you may have heard of Peptides being used in skin products, others may have heard of them being used in the sports field; and they are beginning to be used in many, many, wonderful ways! I’d like to single out the peptide compound BPC-157 today, and introduce you to the ways the healthcare profession is using them to help a variety of patients.

So what is BPC-157 anyway?

BPC-157 is a compound of peptides that are derived from 15 Amino Acids found in the stomach. They are often used to treat conditions and disorders in the intestine; treating those suffering from ulcers and inflammatory conditions.

Short for body protecting compound, the BPC-157 peptide may also help fight inflammation and improve gut health. It’s part of the Defensins group of peptides that are mostly active in the immune system and are thought to be antimicrobial, and promoting the wound healing process.  

In a study published in the Journal of Physiology-Paris, researchers found that in lab studies, the peptide BPC-157 not only reduced gastrointestinal lesions, but also arthritis, with benefits arising after two weeks of medication and also one year after application. The peptide has healing effects on joint and bone damage, and can be used to help repair damaged teeth, bones, muscles, and tendons. It achieves these benefits by promoting improved cell survival and cell migration. It can also offset the damaging effects to the gut caused by NSAIDs – which is key, considering the fact that many people with arthritis abuse NSAIDs to help deal with pain.

Today BPC-157 is helping to promote healing and recovery in muscles, tissue and joints. Many experiments have shown how BPC-157 peptides can heal different kinds of tissues. These include:

  • Tendons

  • Muscles

  • Nervous System

  • And Ligaments

It’s pretty much safe to say that patients who suffer discomfort from the injuries mentioned above can benefit from BPC-157 healing work, as this peptide can increase the blood flow going back to the areas of injuries. It can also protect organs, prevent stomach ulcers, and even heal skin burns.

BPC-157 peptides have also been found to have the promoting effect when it comes to tendon healing involving:

  • Tendon Outgrowth

  • Cell Survival

  • And Cell Mitigation

How is BPC-157 delivered?

There are a variety of protocols and treatments, however, the typical dosage range is anywhere from 200 mcg to 1,000 mcg.

Injecting BPC-157 is the preferred route of administration for inflammation, muscle sprains, ligament damage and pain. Injections should always be done on an empty stomach and administered at least three hours apart — if you need more than one dose per day.

BPC-157 can also be taken in capsule form. Oral dosages are best suited for treating stomach and intestinal problems. 

As a daily supplement, BCP-157 can help support an active lifestyle by aiding the body’s natural healing and recovery processes. BPC-157 does this, in part, by increasing collagen synthesis and decreasing inflammation  associated with regular activity, training, and exercise. Your body already produces BPC-157 in small amounts inside the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but this supplement delivers BPC-157 in an ultra-concentrated and potent form to provide fast-acting repair and relief from occasional body aches and pains.

What else is BPC-157 known for?

Holistic dentists are now using BPC-157 for receding gum disease. It works on multiple pathways in the nucleus of the cell directing the silencing of genes that continue inflammation and promoting the genes that direct blood vessel, connective tissue, fascia, and nerve repair. Leading-edge biological dentists are having success with this very specific, revolutionary peptide protocol with BPC-157 for receding gums.

BPC-157 is also available in powder form (which is rare for a peptide), and this powder can be added to baking soda to make pastes and tooth-masks. It is also awesome when added to oil pulling.

To read more about BPC-157 and other holistic dental care modes, you can access an interesting blog HERE.

Why should I consider Peptide Therapy? 

Since peptides are naturally found throughout the body, it is no surprise that when disordered, they can create ripples of effects across multiple systems that may affect other bodily functions such as your digestion, metabolism, weight loss, sexual desire, inflammation, neuropathy, and a myriad of age-related conditions.

Peptide therapy can aid in treating these conditions by mimicking your body’s own peptides, which elicit a particular response. As peptides are naturally occurring and specific in function, they are well tolerated within your body with minimal to no side effects of treatment

A Take-Home Message

Whether it's reducing inflammation, pain relief, reducing age related symptoms or wound healing, I hope you have learned something about BPC-157 peptides today.

If you are dealing with discomfort from muscle sprains, tears and other types of injury, BPC-157 may be the answer to get you back on your feet and feeling your best, reducing injury recovery times, protect the heart and even preventing stomach and intestine conditions.

I’ve updated our website services to include information on peptide therapy, click HERE to check it out.

If any of the benefits mentioned regarding peptide therapy sound appealing to you, consider scheduling an appointment with us to talk about the benefits. We will look at the best way to ensure that you find the right treatment option for your lifestyle and goals. Peptide therapy may be the route we choose for your particular needs, or it may not. I wanted to let you know in our newsletter this week, that I am seeing amazing benefits for many of our patients already using peptide therapy. Plus, I am using peptides personally; and am very pleased with how my targeted challenges are improving.

A consultation with our team is the best way to ensure you find the right treatment option for your goals. Sign up with the front desk, or give us a call, and we’ll see if some kind of Peptide Therapy is right for you…

There are NO LIMITS of what you can create, you are POWERFUL and there is nothing that you can not have or achieve! Believe in your power, believe in yourself and let go of what no longer serves you! ♡ design your life, create your reality…

This is life changing!

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Dr Derek Ferguson